Learning Mussar
- Excerpts from Chapter 4 “Frumkeit”
- Chapter 13: Summary: Removing the Impediments
- Chapter 14: Summary: A Short Guide to Mussar Study
Mussar Practice
- Chapter 5: Hislamdus [Teaching Oneself / Taking Lessons from Life] (ve’adim)
In discussing the practice of the congregation of saying the names of Haman?s sons out loud (in the book ?Jewish customs?) , Rabbi Doctor Zvi Ron states that Rabbi Moshe [...]
Today?s daf Sanhedrin 49 states that Dovid had 400 sons from yefas toars who led his armies to intimidate his enemies. The heter of yefas toar is lo dibra Torah [...]
On Wed, Jan 08, 2025 at 05:55:22AM +0200, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote: > If I understand correctly, R'EW in the Kovetz Maamarim makes the watchmaker > argument to prove [...]
On Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 01:22:45PM +0200, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote: > Any historical sources concerning when (and why) the change in how the > torah scroll was [...]
After learning the first 45+ dapim of Sanhedrin it is patently clear that it?s absolutely impossible to convict anyone of a crime in a Beis din. The rules of evidence [...]
For any former Elizabeth JEC Bruriah Alumni currently living in Israel We mourn the passing of Harav Elazar Mayer Teitz Z"L (BGSS), husband of Elisheva (SCW 66), father of Avi, [...]
On Rosh Chodesh Shevat, we planted two three year old trees in our new yard in EY: a plum tree and a pomegranate tree. They were moved in pots, and [...]
On Wed, Jan 29, 2025 at 06:07:37AM +0200, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote: > Question asked of a rabbi who reported the halacha as being that a Jewish > institution [...]
Tuesday, we begin the second cycle of theArukh HaShulchan Yomihttps://www.aishdas.org/ahs-yomi/Feb. 11, 2025, 13 Shvat 5785Monday is the final day of the first cycle, which will bring the playlist at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXhYlGVtIOa90yH1vcNYptMf5d3OEdQHl [...]
Rischa D'Araisa Season 10 Episode 19:Yakeer Lanu Ephraim:Remembering Rav Ephraim Greenblatt zt"lon his 11th Yartzheithttps://listen.jewishpodcasts.fm/yeshivaofnewark/96797 [...]
Rischa D'Araisa Season 10 Episode 18:Opposition, Betrayal and Hatred:Reacting to the Hostage Prisoner Swap and Trump's First Week Backhttps://listen.jewishpodcasts.fm/yeshivaofnewark/96527 [...]
A Slice of Chicago Torah HistorySiyum of the Cong. Bnei Ruven of Chicago Daf Yomi Shiur at the end of the 1990-1997 cycle. This is a conversion from the original videotape. The actual [...]
A historic occasion. The first ever siyum onDaf Yomi Yerushalmiin the English languageThe culmination of the audio series uploaded to the playlist at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXhYlGVtIOa8KYeCVztC0GWRtvc2s2jR3. For most of its existence (1997-2001), the shiur [...]
When we begin the second cycle of theArukh HaShulchan Yomi on Feb. 11, 2025, 13 Shvat 5785, we will b'ezras Hashem also begin the first supplemental cycle of the entire Arukh HaShulchan!Reb Micha [...]
Rischa D'Araisa Season 10 Episode 16:He'oros on Doctor Gra"Ch:Discussing the Reflections of Rabbi Dr. Haym Soloveitchik shlitahttps://listen.jewishpodcasts.fm/yeshivaofnewark/96327 [...]
I felt this segment of our Daily Zohar learning on the Erev Rav in Our Day and Age was worth showcasing. You can find the full playlist at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXhYlGVtIOa-qaY0hZAKAJJng975mJs7-[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iax8pd8mx8?si=bmSv3RQAFmubGUvD]Make sure [...]
Rischa D'Araisa Season 10 Episode 16:Trials of Teves:-1- Mourning the Close of the Prophetic Era-2-Reflecting on the Closures of The Solomon Schechter Day Schoolshttps://listen.jewishpodcasts.fm/yeshivaofnewark/96031 [...]
The Prohibition on Eating Before Tefillah for Women and Girls[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ey1eTydPH4?si=zlxN1ST3Ff7R8NFc]A recording for the BHP daily Halachic Whatsapp group https://chat.whatsapp.com/Gz8rrxqRcfy9rMOXRLG6GS [...]
Rischa D'Araisa Season 10 Episode 15:Jimmy Carter: What Did We Want and What Can We Still Get From You?https://listen.jewishpodcasts.fm/yeshivaofnewark/95592 [...]
The truth is, I don't think Rabbi Miller himself would ever have gone this far. But this adaptation is what people get from his hashkafah. I am making a mecha'ah, [...]
Rabbi Avrohom A. Elias שליט"א of the Mechina of South Florida is doing incredible work clarifying authentic Torah perspectives on the relationships between Jews and non-Jews.True תיקון עולם במלכות ש-די and קידוש שם שמים.Here are [...]
Rischa D'Araisa Season 10 Episode 14:"Happy Chanukah! And to all our Christian Friends, we say........"https://listen.jewishpodcasts.fm/yeshivaofnewark/95201Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air: https://thechesedfund.com/yeshivaofnewarkpodcast/keeping-the-ark-afloat With [...]
Iggeres D'Rav Sherira Gaon, part 12: Babylonian Baraisos, Ancient Yeshivos, Tanya vs. Tanu Rabbanan[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V68P9T-TRic?si=vvUVLMQfRIVFXSDH]Fundamental and fascinating stuff about the traditions in Bavel, the order of learning in yeshivos during the [...]
Join us for the Second Cycle of Arukh HaShulchan YomiStartingTuesday February 11th 202513 Shevat 5785We will cover:All of Orach Chaim Most of Yoreh Deah Excerpts from Even HoEzer Excerpts from Choshen Mishpat over the course [...]
Rav Dovid Lifshitz zt”l (whose 31st yahrzeit is today) often spoke about the connection between shaleim as wholeness, and that of another conjugation, “shalom“, peace. Shalom is not simply a cessation of violence. That [...]
Parashas Behar is a list of mitzvos. The first section is all about shemittah and yovel. A family’s ancestral land cannot be sold into perpetuity. Instead, if someone is forced [...]
This week I’d like to discuss three seemingly unrelated questions about the words of the tephillah: The focus of Shabbos Mussaf davening is the paragraph that begins “Tiqanta Shabbos…” What [...]
Here’s my theory about the origin of this minhag. My point here is not really about advocating for the minhag. I just feel a need to push back when people [...]
והיה רגיל להוכיח אותי על שראה שאינני משתתף בצערא דאחרינא. וכה היה דברו אלי תמיד שזה כל האדם. לא לעצמו נברא רק להועיל לאחריני ככל אשר ימצא בכחו לעשות. [My [...]
Micha’s note: The following was a post written to the Mesorah email list by Rabbi Dr. Seth Mandel zt”l, a rebbe-chaver of mine (more: a rebbe who insisted on treating [...]
(I put these thoughts together for a reply for my daughter Gavi, who pointed me to a medrash that “everyone in her neighborhood” were talking about, but I then was [...]
“Poteach et Yadekha“, oil on canvasHaim Masliach, 2021 A comment by Ilana Elzafun* brought this Seforno to my attention. This week’s parashah (Lekh Likha), Bereishis 16:13, describes Hagar’s prayer to [...]
Dear R Dr Broyde (Cc: Avodah), Over Shabbos, I read your article about getting ChatGPT to discuss whether a kohein in a same-sex marriage may go up to duchen. I [...]
Nephesh Hachaim 1:13 1. T The things we say can also link celestial worlds, rectify this one, and interconnect with the upper worlds, as we’ll now see. After all, we’re [...]
Da’at Tevunot 3:7 (¶ 118 [middle]) 1. We’d do well to take something into consideration, Ramchal adds here. It’s that just because something or someone is imperfect doesn’t mean [...]
The Way of G-d 2:6:4 1. G-d allowed for a prosecutor in His court, famously known as satan 1. His role is to argue against the accused, which them enables [...]
Nephesh Hachaim 1:12 1. R. Chaim already spoke 1 of the fact that we could only link celestial worlds, rectify this one, and interconnect with those upper worlds after we’d [...]
Da’at Tevunot 3:6 (¶ 118 [beginning]) 1. Ramchal reiterates here 1 that wrong is a created entity 2 that was only designed to last for as long as G-d wanted [...]
The Way of G-d 2:6:3 1. Given the above, the fact is that G-d doesn’t judge the world according to His foreknowledge but rather according to the way He wants [...]
Nephesh Hachaim 1:11 1. Following up on the thought offered in the last chapter that despite our being connected to physicality we’re nevertheless superior to angels, R’ Chaim now [...]
Da’at Tevunot 3:5 (¶s 116 [end] – 117) 1. Ramchal says that he’s going to expand upon things he’d said above 1 and reveal things that are “deep” about [...]
The Way of G-d 2:6:2 1. G-d appears in each Sanhedrin and court, influences it, and sees to it that justice is served 1. Now, in some instances [...]
Nephesh Hachaim 1:10 1. Given all of the above concerning our makeup and capacities, it’s reasonable to wonder whether angels are loftier than we are or we’re loftier than they. [...]
Da’at Tevunot 3:4 (¶ 116 [beg.]) 1. Ramchal is about to offer something that will serve as a prelude to what’s to follow 1. It’s that even though G-d [...]
Derech Hashem 2:6:1 In the course of His interactions with the world 1, G-d arranged it so that phenomena that affect both the things that humankind brings about 2 and [...]
Nephesh Hachaim 1:9 1. Following through on the discussion of the previous chapter, R’ Chaim contrasts the situation of the generation that dwelt in the Sinai Desert 1 with that [...]
Da’at Tevunot 3:3 (¶’s 103- 115) 1. It seems logical, doesn’t it, that goodness would be a product of something that emanates goodness while wrongfulness would be a product of [...]
Da’atTevunot 3:2 (# 98 – 102) 1. Ramchal starts to explain the role of wrong and injustice in the world with a proposition derived from Rambam1. It’s that when G-d [...]
Nephesh Hachaim 1:8 1. R’ Chaim offers a rather complex discussion here about the positioning of the Cherubs in the Tabernacle and Holy Temple in order to illustrate his point [...]
The website 18FORTY has a fantastic and thoughtful multimedia post on OTD that is worth watching, reading, and listening to. If you are reading this then you know I don’t [...]
Spoiler, there isn’t much substance to I what have to say. Also, I am spoiling the end of the Skywalker saga. After reading an excellent essay by Rabbi Harry Maryles [...]
I checked my recent writing history today and the last legit post of mine was really 3.5 years ago. For some that’s a long chunk of time. In that time [...]
My wife’s comment on Simchas Torah pretty much summed it up, “I feel like this is the biggest tease for you.” You see, my mom a”h was niftar right before [...]
When today comes around I usually think about things my father missed since he has been gone. I decided that this year I’ll attempt to list a number of things [...]
Walking out of shul, the morning after Yom Kippur, a follow early Sunday morning riser casually said to me, “Back to normal, right?” I was taken off guard (and also [...]
I have started this post about 2 dozen times over the past 3 years and I never seem to get more than about 300 words written about why I stopped [...]
I want to share something that Rav Efraim Twerski said at his Shabbos HaGadol drasha. After starting off with 10 questions Rav Twerski said over an amazing Torah from Rav [...]
So, tonight’s the 6th yahrtzeit for my dad, Avraham ben Zorach a”h (Al, of blessed memory). Like everyone else that has lost a parent I lit my 24 hour yahrzeit [...]
“WARMED BY THE FIRE OF THE AISH KODESH– Torah from the Hilulas of Reb Kalonymus Kalman Shapira of Piaseczna” by Rav Moshe Weinberger and adapted by Binyomin Wolf is more [...]