The Catalog of the Hebrew Theological College Frumi Noble Night Kollel

Moshe and Esther Brandman Memorial Tape Library


The Frumi Noble Night Kollel’s internationally acclaimed Moshe and Esther Brandman Memorial Tape Library distributes the broadest array of profound and comprehensive Torah Tapes available today! Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer’s lectures on Contemporary and Practical Halachic Issues, Emuna and Hashkafa, and Nach b’Machashava and Daf Yomi in Talmud Yerushalmi tapes - the only English language Yerushalmi tapes in the world; Rabbi Avraham Kivelevitz’s presentations on the History of Ideas in Judaism and Midrash and Zohar on Chumash; the illuminating Special Lectures by scholars of the highest caliber, all stimulate, inform and inspire. Our tapes are available for purchase or loan. Each tape costs $5.00 (loans require a refundable $1.00 deposit). On orders of fifty or more tapes special pricing is available. Please call for details.

Tapes may be obtained from the The Brandman Tape Library, at Hebrew Theological College; or by mail. Our address is: The HTC Brandman Tape Library, 7135 N. Carpenter Ave., Skokie, IL, 60077. Selections of tapes are also available at the Beis Medrash of Lincolnwood, 3460 W. Devon (visit to find this catalog online). You can also hear full-length tapes on the World Wide Web at When ordering tapes by mail please circle the tapes you want to order and add 50¢ per tape to cover postage and handling. Loans by mail require an additional non‑refundable $2.00 service charge per tape borrowed. For overseas orders please add $2.00 each for the first five tapes and $1.00 for each additional tape.

To make sure that tapes you want are available please call (773) 267-6963 or fax (773) 267-5054 (e-mail: [email protected]). Loans are for two week periods. A late fee of 25¢ per week will be charged for overdue tapes. Although we attempt to check the quality of all our tapes, accidents may happen. If you receive a defective or inaudible tape, or are otherwise unsatisfied for any reason, please keep it and let us know by mail or phone. We will promptly send you another tape, or refund the purchase price (including postage). Please note that although we use “recycled” shells, all cassette tape loaded in the shells is first quality new tape. Tapes marked n/c are not currently in circulation, generally because the Masters are lost or defective. Generally, five new tapes are added to our collection every week. This catalog reflects the collection as of 5 Menachem Av 5760, August 6, 2000.



Contemporary & Practical Halachic Issues:

Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer


CH 1.       Eruvin in Metropolitan Areas p 1

CH 2.       Eruvin in Metropolitan Areas p 2

CH 3.       The Definition of “Death” in Halacha

CH 4.       Organ Transplants

CH 5.       Curtailing Treatment of the Terminally Ill

CH 6.       Cholov Yisroel


Special Series: Agunah Problems & Related Issues

CH 7.       Non‑Solutions

CH 8.       Possible Solutions

CH 9.       The Get Process

CH 10.     Civil Marriages

CH 11.     Non‑Halachic Marriages

CH 12.     Buying Meat in Non‑Jewish Owned Stores

CH 13.     Banking in a Jewish Owned Bank

CH 14.     When & What Mechitza is Required by Halacha

CH 15.     May Jews Return to Spain


Special Series: Changing Neighborhoods

CH 16.     May the Jews Leave

CH 17.     Dying Shuls

CH 18.     How to Indulge in a Shabbos Morning Shul Kiddush al pi Halacha

CH 19.     Halachic Attitudes Towards Secular Studies p 1

CH 20.     Halachic Attitudes Towards Secular Studies p 2

CH 21.     The Use of Microphones in Halacha

CH 22.     Women in Jewish Communal Life

CH 23.     Gelatin

CH 24.     Organized Labor & Strikes in Jewish Institutions (slightly defective)


Special Series: Tzedaka & Ma’aser Kesafim

CH 25.     The Requirement

CH 26.     The Amount

CH 27.     To Whom & What to Give

CH 28.     Sheimos: What are They & How to Dispose of Them

CH 29.     Glatt Kosher


Special Series: Headcovering for Women

CH 30.     The Requirement

CH 31.     Type of Headgear

CH 32.     Beyond Botulism: Is Canned Tuna Kosher

CH 33.     May a Kohen Become a Doctor?

CH 34.     The Great International Dateline Controversy p 1

CH 35.     The Great International Dateline Controversy p 2

CH 36.     Bishul Akum

CH 37.     Teaching Torah to Non‑Jews

CH 38.     Yeshivot Hesder in Halacha

CH 39.     AIDS

CH 40.     Cheating on Your Taxes

CH 41.     Eruvin in Metropolitan Areas Revisited

CH 42.     Kol Isha

CH 43.     Plain Talk: Ashkenazic vs. Sepharadic Pronunciation

CH 44.     Suing Your Rabbi for Malpractice

CH 45.     Copyrights in Halacha

CH 46.     Autopsies & Biopsies

CH 47.     Plastic Surgery & Diets


Special Series: Communal Unity

CH 48.     To What Extent?

CH 49.     Mixed Denomination Communities & Councils

CH 50.     Shabbos Cosmetics

CH 51.     Cigarette Smoking in Halacha

CH 52.     May Women Wear Pants?

CH 53.     Music in Halacha p 1

CH 54.     Music in Halacha p 2


Special Series: Conversion

CH 55.     Conversion Without Accepting Mitzvos

CH 56.     Conversion for the Purpose of Marriage

CH 57.     Conversion in the Course of Adoption

CH 58.     Laws of Waiting on Line & Priorities in a Waiting Room

CH 59.     The Teshuva Process in Halacha

CH 60.     Teshuva & Kiruv

CH 61.     Magic & Magicians in Halacha

CH 62.     Practical Hilchos Mezuza


Special Series: Abortion

CH 63.     Defining the Prohibition

CH 64.     Tay Sachs Syndrome

CH 65.     Cases of Danger for the Mother

CH 66.     Birth Defects & Problems of the Fetus

CH 67.     Halachos of Shabbos Goyim

CH 68.     Bright Ideas: Electric Lights in Halacha

CH 69.     Vegetarianism in Halacha

CH 70.     Shabbos Elevators

CH 71.     Heter Iska

CH 72.     Entering Churches & Mosques

CH 73.     Rebuking Wrongdoers

CH 74.     Cooking for & on Shabbos & Yom Tov p 1

CH 75.     Cooking for & on Shabbos & Yom Tov p 2

CH 76.     Cooking for & on Shabbos & Yom Tov p 3

CH 77.     Entering the Temple Mount

CH 78.     Restoring Avodas HaKorbonos

CH 79.     Techeles

CH 80.     Extradition

CH 81.     In Vitro Fertilization

CH 82.     Surrogate Motherhood

CH 83.     Dayanim & Batei Din in Modern Times

CH 84.     Semicha & Psak Halacha

CH 85.     Corporal & Capitol Punishment in Our Times

CH 86.     Opening Other People’s Mail

CH 87.     Havdala

CH 88.     The Use of Lie Detectors in Halacha

CH 89.     Is Israel for Sale? (To an Arab?!): Shmitta in Our Time p 1 (defective)

CH 90.     Is Israel for Sale? (To an Arab?!): Shmitta in Our Time p 2

CH 91.     Disturbing the Peace: Exhuming & Relocating Graves

CH 92.     Hilchos Netilas Yadayim & Breaking Bread al pi Halacha

CH 93.     From Soup to Nuts: Eating a Meal al pi Halacha

CH 94.     Graceful Endings: Birkas HaMazon/Bracha Acharona p 1

CH 95.     Graceful Endings: Birkas HaMazon/Bracha Acharona p 2

CH 96.     Behind Bars with Halacha: Imprisonment

CH 97.     Sale of Weapons by Israel to Foreign Countries

CH 98.     Reversing Bal Tashchis: Recycling

CH 99.     Close Shaves with Halacha: Electric Razors

CH 100.   Business Partnerships with a Goy

CH 101.   n/c Partnerships with Mechalelei Shabbos

CH 102.   May a Jew Own Stock in a Company that Trades in Treifos?

CH 103.   Medicines/Medical Procedures on Shabbos/Yom Tov p 1

CH 104.   Medicines/Medical Procedures on Shabbos/Yom Tov p 2

CH 105.   Is a Promise Halachically Binding?

CH 106.   What & Why Rabbinic Ordinances are Binding

CH 107.   Brokerage: Shadchanim & Real Estate Agents

CH 108.   Eradicating Amalekites, Halacha l’Ma’aseh

CH 109.   What’s a Bracha & How Does it Work? p 1

CH 110.   What’s a Bracha & How Does it Work? p 2

CH 111.   Halachos of Erev Pesach on Shabbos

CH 112.   Rise & Shine: Getting Up in with Halacha p 1

CH 113.   Rise & Shine: Getting Up in with Halacha p 2

CH 114.   Tantalizing Tidbits: Short & Sweet Halachos p 1

CH 115.   Tantalizing Tidbits: Short & Sweet Halachos p 2


Special Series: Wars & Armies

CH 116.   Wars Halacha Condones & Condemns

CH 117.   Milchemes Mitzva & Wars of Gentile Nations

CH 118.   The Draft Age & Exemptions from Military Service

CH 119.   The Authority of Commanding Officers

CH 120.   When may a Soldier Disobey Orders?

CH 121.   May a Jew Become a Professional Football Player & Related Issues

CH 122.   Oh No! You Have a She’eila & no Rabbi to Ask: What do you do? p 1

CH 123.   Oh No! You Have a She’eila & no Rabbi to Ask: What do you do? p 2

CH 124.   Is Pasteurized Wine “Mevushal”?

CH 125.   Shemittas Kesafim & Pruzbul

CH 126.   Shehecheyanu, Kiddush, Bracha Acharona, Chazaras HaShatz-New Insights

CH 127.   Reflections on the 5754 Milk Controversy

CH 128.   Fetal Reduction & Related Issues

CH 129.   Stitches on Shabbos

CH 130.   Squeezing & Grinding on Shabbos p 1

CH 131.   Grinding p 2 & Kneading on Shabbos

CH 132.   Redistributing the Wealth: Yissaschar-Zevulun Relationships p 1

CH 133.   Redistributing the Wealth: Yissaschar-Zevulun Relationships p 2

CH 134.   Halachos of Yom Kippur

CH 135.   Were the Chashmonaim Allowed to Assume the Kingship of Israel?

CH 136.   Chopping Pesukim

CH 137.   Sunrise, Sunset: Halachic Times of Day p 1

CH 138.   Sunrise, Sunset: Halachic Times of Day p 2

CH 139.   Sunrise, Sunset: Halachic Times of Day p 3

CH 140.   Rising Before the Wise & Senior Citizens


Special Series: Lifnei Iver

CH 141.   May it be Ignored for Courtesy & Convenience?

CH 142.   May a Doctor Perform Medical Procedures Forbidden by Halacha?

CH 143.   Rib’is: Subscribing to Jewish Periodicals?

CH 144.   The First Year of Marriage

CH 145.   Child Abuse

CH 146.   The Mitzvah of Ma’akeh


Special Series: Muktzeh

CH 147.   Tiltul b’gufo & min hatzad

CH 148.   Kli she’milachto l’issur

CH 149.   Muktzeh mei’chamas chisaron kis

CH 150.   Muktzeh mei’chamas gufo

CH 151.   Shabbos Clocks

CH 152.   Borei Pri HaGafen, Arba Kosos & Hefsek Berachos p 1

CH 153.   Borei Pri HaGafen, Arba Kosos & Hefsek Berachos p 2


Special Series: Shabbos & Electricity

CH 154.   The Chazon Ish

CH 155.   Reb Shlomo Zalman

CH 156.   Reb Shlomo Zalman; Electronics

CH 157.   Electronics

CH 158.   Telephones


Special Series: Halacha at 35,000 Feet: Airplane Travel Issues

CH 159.   Dishonesty in Ticketing (and Related Ethical Issues) & Davening On Board

CH 160.   Tefillas HaDerech, Berachos on Things to See & Landing on Shabbos

CH 161.   Shabbos Landings, Lavatory Halachos & Mezonos Rolls

CH 162.   Halachos of Taking Challa from Dough

CH 163.   Happy Endings: Halachos of Haftaros p 1

CH 164.   Happy Endings: Halachos of Haftaros p 2

CH 165.   Constructive Justice? Bribing Public Officials

CH 166.   Microwave Ovens: Shabbos & Kashrus p 1

CH 167.   Microwave Ovens: Shabbos & Kashrus p 2

CH 168.   Wills & Testaments: Issues & Resolutions p 1

CH 169.   Wills & Testaments: Issues & Resolutions p 2

CH 170.   Office Parties: Yoreh De’ah Issues

CH 171.   Social Gatherings: Moshav Leitzim

CH 172.   A Change of Place: Shinui Makom in Berachos p 1

CH 173.   A Change of Place: Shinui Makom in Berachos p 2

CH 174.   The Effects of Inflation on Halacha p 1

CH 175.   The Effects of Inflation on Halacha p 2

CH 176.   Kedushas Bais HaKenesses

CH 177.   Finders Keepers? Abandoned Objects in Public Places

CH 178.   Kavod & Kerias Sefer Torah p 1

CH 179.   Kavod & Kerias Sefer Torah p 2

CH 180.   So What’s New? Chodosh! p 1

CH 181.   So What’s New? Chodosh! p 2

CH 182.   Is there a Halachic Basis for Yom HaSho’ah?

CH 183.   Dishwashers: Kashrus, Shabbos & Yom Tov p 1

CH 184.   Dishwashers: Kashrus, Shabbos & Yom Tov p 2

CH 185.   n/c Forcing a Husband to Give a Get

CH 186.   Financial Assistance from non-Jews

CH 187.   Da’as Torah in Halachic & “Non-Halachic” Areas p 1

CH 188.   Da’as Torah in Halachic & “Non-Halachic” Areas p 2

CH 189.   Shabbos Babycare: Baby Wipes & Disposable Diapers

CH 190.   Reuven or Robert? English Names for Jewish People p 1

CH 191.   Reuven or Robert? English Names for Jewish People p 2

CH 192.   Good Intentions: Kavana for the Beginning of Shma p 1

CH 193.   Good Intentions: Kavana for the Beginning of Shma p 2

CH 194.   Good Intentions: Kavana for the Beginning of Shma p 3

CH 195.   May You Carry a Child in an Eruv You Don’t Normally Use?

CH 196.   Animal Experimentation & Tza’ar Ba’alei Chaim p 1

CH 197.   Animal Experimentation & Tza’ar Ba’alei Chaim p 2

CH 198.   Animal Experimentation & Tza’ar Ba’alei Chaim p 3

CH 199.   Pop-Top Halacha: Opening Various Food Containers on Shabbos & Yom Tov p 1

CH 200.   Pop-Top Halacha: Opening Various Food Containers on Shabbos & Yom Tov p 2


Special Series on the Rambam Hilchos Chometz u’Matzo Perek 7

CH 201.   (n/c) The Mitzva of Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim

CH 202.   Zecher vs. Sippur

CH 203.   Grabbing Matzo and Eating Charoses

CH 204.   Wine and Cheirus


Emuna & Hashkafa

Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer


Special Series: The Age of the Universe

EH 1.      The Problems

EH 2.      Various “Solutions”

EH 3.      Systematic Approaches

EH 4.      Evolution

EH 5.      The Future


Special Series: G-d  - Evidence & Emuna

EH 6.      Does Reason Serve Faith or Faith Serve Reason

EH 7.      The Book in the Desert

EH 8.      Tradition, History & Belief

EH 9.      The Authenticity of the Torah


EH 10.    Bechira Chofshis: How Free are We? p 1 (slightly defective)

EH 11.    Bechira Chofshis: How Free are We? p 2


Special Series: Ani Ma’amin: (Principles of Faith):

EH 12.    1) Divine Providence

EH 13.    2) The Unity of God

EH 14.    3) God’s Incorporeality

EH 15.    4) Creation Ex Nihilo

EH 16.    5) Worshipping God ‑ Nothing Else

EH 17.    6) Prophecy

EH 18.    7) The Prophecy of Moshe Rabbeinu

EH 19.    8) The Divine Origin of Torah

EH 20.    9) The Torah will not be Abrogated

EH 21.    10) God’s Omniscience

EH 22.    11) Reward & Punishment

EH 23.    12) Moshiach: Are These Messianic Times

EH 24.    13) Resurrection of the Dead


EH 25.    These & Those are the Words of the Living G-d p 1

EH 26.    These & Those are the Words of the Living G-d p 2

EH 27.    Our Relationship with Previous Generations

EH 28.    The Impact of Kabbala on Machashava

EH 29.    Sophisticated Chesed p 1

EH 30.    Sophisticated Chesed p 2


Special Series: Denominational Attitudes

EH 31.    Definition of Categories

EH 32.    Relevant Halachos p 1

EH 33.    Relevant Halachos p 2

EH 34.    “Sinners Within” & Ahavas Yisroel

EH 35.    The Nine Days: The Greater They Are, The Greater Their Fall

EH 36.    Missing Years: Chronologies of the 2nd Beis HaMikdosh Period p 1

EH 37.    Missing Years: Chronologies of the 2nd Beis HaMikdosh Period p 2

EH 38.    Brazenness & Bashfulness

EH 39.    Exploring Chutzpa

EH 40.    What is True Yiras Shomayim

EH 41.    Tefilla & Avodas Hashem Workshop: Rosh HaShana p 1

EH 42.    Tefilla & Avodas Hashem Workshop: Rosh HaShana p 2

EH 43.    Truth & Falsehood p 1

EH 44.    Truth & Falsehood p 2

EH 45.    Malachim (Angels): What are They/What do they Do? p 1

EH 46.    Malachim (Angels): What are They/What do they Do? p 2

EH 47.    Bein Yisroel L’Amim: Judaism & Christianity p 1

EH 48.    Bein Yisroel L’Amim: Judaism & Christianity p 2

EH 49.    What is Kedusha & How is it Achieved

EH 50.    Chanukah: Torah she’be’al Peh as the Focus

EH 51.    Analyzing Agadata

EH 52.    Time & Times in Judaism p 1

EH 53.    Time & Times in Judaism p 2

EH 54.    The Leviathan

EH 55.    Bitachon: Trust in God p 1

EH 56.    Bitachon: Trust in God p 2

EH 57.    Bitachon: Trust in God p 3

EH 58.    Para Aduma

EH 59.    Tefilla & Avodas Hashem Workshop: Pesach

EH 60.    Moshiach Revisited


Special Series: Ta’amei HaMitzvos

EH 61.    Kilayim

EH 62.    Shatnez

EH 63.    Basar Ve’Chalav

EH 64.    Kisui HaDam

EH 65.    Pride & Humility

EH 66.    Friendship

EH 67.    Simchas Chosson V’Kalla

EH 68.    Zav & Zava

EH 69.    Mikveh

EH 70.    Orlah


Tefilla & Avodas Hashem: Yomim Norai’m

EH 71.    Aleynu

EH 72.    Expanded Atah Kadosh

EH 73.    Atah Bechartanu & Sukkos

EH 74.    Eating Jewishly p 1

EH 75.    Eating Jewishly p 2

EH 76.    Eating Jewishly p 3

EH 77.    Eating Jewishly p 4

EH 78.    Frankfurt vs. Volozhin

EH 79.    God Diminished the Moon?

EH 80.    Acher: Elisha ben Avuya

EH 81.    The Jewish Concept of Thanksgiving  & Ta’amei HaMitzvos: Shiluach HaKen

EH 82.    Tefilla & Avodas Hashem Workshop: Chanukah

EH 83.    Tefilla & Avodas Hashem Workshop: Hallel

EH 84.    Prophecy: The Prophecy of Bilam

EH 85.    Ta’amei HaMitzvos: Chopping Down Fruit Trees

EH 86.    Of Donkeys & Cold, A Torah Perspective


Tefilla & Avodas Hashem Workshop: Shvat, Adar

EH 87.    Tu B’Shvat

EH 88.    Purim p 1

EH 89.    Prophecy: Dreams


Tefilla & Avodas Hashem Workshop: Adar, Nissan

EH 90.    Purim p 2

EH 91.    Purim p 3

EH 92.    Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim

EH 93.    Pesach p 2

EH 94.    Pesach p 3

EH 95.    Chana & Shmuel HaNavi p 1

EH 96.    Chana & Shmuel HaNavi p 2 & Shaul HaMelech

EH 97.    The Plishtim

EH 98.    Tefilla & Avodas Hashem Workshop: Lag Ba’Omer, Shavuos, Existence


Special Series: Armies & Wars

EH 99.    The Ba’alei Machashava on War

EH 100.  The Peril of “Kochi v’Otzem Yadi”

EH 101.  Courage & Cowardice in the Battlefield

EH 102.  Sanctity in War-Profanity in War

EH 103.  Sanctity & Profanity in Life


Special Series: The Great Warriors

EH 104.  Shimshon

EH 105.  Dovid HaMelech p 1

EH 106.  Dovid HaMelech p 2

EH 107.  Bar Kochba

EH 108.  Ta’amei HaMitzvos: Gid HaNasheh

EH 109.  Netzach & Hod

EH 110.  “Talmid Chochom”


Tefilla & Avodas Hashem: Yomim Nora’im

EH 111.  n/c Rosh HaShana as New Years Day

EH 112.  “Din”: Judgement


Tefilla & Avodas Hashem Workshop: Pesach

EH 113.  Judaism & Freedom

EH 114.  The Name of G-d & the Night of the Seder

EH 115.  The Fifth Cup


Tefilla & Avodas Hashem: Kabbolas Shabbos

EH 116.  Rabbi Chanina & Rabbi Yannai

EH 117.  Shabbos: Six Tehillim & the Days of the Week

EH 118.  Kabbolas Shabbos: Mizmor L’Dovid


EH 119.  Longevity & Immortality

EH 120.  The Resurrection

EH 121.  Astrology

EH 122.  Male & Female

EH 123.  Ta’amei HaMitzvos: Challa


Special Series: “Tanya for Misnagdim”

EH 124.  Overview & Chap. 1

EH 125.  Chap. 2

EH 126.  Chaps. 2-3

EH 127.  Chap. 3

EH 128.  Chap. 4

EH 129.  Conclusion


EH 130.  Tefilla & Avodas Hashem Workshop: Ma’avir Rishon Rishon

EH 131.  Tefilla & Avodas Hashem Workshop: Beyond Seder


Nach B’Machashava

Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer


Sefer Shoftim:

NB 1.       Chap. 1: Failing to Conquer

NB 2.       Chap. 2: Overview of the Period

NB 3.       Chap. 3: Ehud & Eglon

NB 4.       Chap. 4: Yavin, Sisra, Devora, Barak, Yael

NB 5.       Chap. 5: Shiras Devora p 1

NB 6.       Chaps. 5-6: Shiras Devora p 2 & Gidon p 1

NB 7.       Chaps. 6-7: Gidon p 2

NB 8.       Chaps. 7-8: Gidon p 3

NB 9.       Chaps. 8-9: Yeruba’al & Avimelech p 1

NB 10.     Chap. 9: Avimelech p 2

NB 11.     Chap. 10: Yair, Thirties, & a New Nadir

NB 12.     Chap. 11: Yiftach p 1

NB 13.     Chaps. 11-12: Yiftach p 2 & Ivtzan

NB 14.     Chap. 13: The Birth of Shimshon

NB 15.     Chaps. 13-14: Shimshon’s Dual Personality: Yehuda & Dan

NB 16.     Chap. 15: Shimshon’s Revenge

NB 17.     Chap. 16: Delila

NB 18.     Chap. 17: Pesel Micha p 1

NB 19.     Chap. 18: Pesel Micha p 2

NB 20.     Chap. 19: Pilegesh Ba’Giv’a p 1

NB 21.     Chap. 20: Pilegesh Ba’Giv’a p 2

NB 22.     Chaps. 20-21: Bringing Binyamin Back

NB 23.     Chap. 22: The Dances

NB 23a.   The Siyum (Recorded on Purim)


Megillas Ruth:

NB 24.     Chap. 1: The Efrasim from Beis Lechem

NB 25.     Chap. 1: Naomi, Ruth & Orpah

NB 26.     Chaps. 1-2: Marah, Leket & Boaz (slightly defective for first few minutes)

NB 27.     Chaps. 2-3: Ruth & Boaz

NB 28.     Chaps. 3-4: In the “Barn”

NB 29.     Chap. 4: Conclusions


Sefer Yona:

NB 30.     Chap. 1: The Flight Down to Sea

NB 31.     Chap. 2: In the Big Fish

NB 32.     Chap. 3: Yonah & Ninveh

NB 33.     Chap. 4: Under the Tree


Sefer Shmuel I:

NB 34.     Chap. 1: Elkana & Chana

NB 35.     Chaps. 1-2: Transitions & Chana’s Song p 1

NB 36.     Chap. 2: Chana’s Song p 2 & Eli’s Sons’ Sins

NB 37.     Chaps. 2-3: The Doom of the House of Eli & Shmuel’s Initiation

NB 38.     Chaps. 3-4: Rise of Shmuel & Plishtim War

NB 39.     Chaps. 4-5: Death of Eli & Aron in Captivity

NB 40.     Chap. 6: Return of the Aron

NB 41.     Chap. 7: Shmuel’s Reign

NB 42.     Chap. 8: Judaism & Monarchy p 1

NB 43.     Chap. 8: Judaism & Monarchy p 2

NB 44.     Chaps. 8-9: Rights of Kings & Shaul’s Rise p 1

NB 45.     Chaps. 9-10: Shaul’s Rise p 2

NB 46.     Chap. 10: Anointing the King

NB 47.     Chaps. 10-11: Shaul’s Coronation & Gilad p 1

NB 48.     Chaps. 11-12: Gilad p 2 & Shmuel’s Valedictory p 1

NB 49.     Chaps. 12-13: Shmuel’s Valedictory p 2 & Cryptic Pasuk

NB 50.     Chaps. 13-14: Shaul’s First Fatal Error & Phlishtim War

NB 51.     Chap. 14: Phlishtim War Continued

NB 52.     Chap. 15: Shaul’s Final Fatal Error & Amalek War p 1

NB 53.     Chap. 15: Amalek War p 2

NB 54.     Chap. 15: Amalek & Pesach

NB 55.     Chap. 15: Shaul’s Mercy & Hashem’s Regret

NB 56.     Chap. 15: Sorcery & Sin

NB 57.     Chap. 15: Netzach Yisroel & Agag

NB 58.     Chap. 16: Finding Dovid

NB 59.     Chap. 16: Magen Dovid

NB 60.     Chap. 16: Ruach HaKodesh & Goliath

NB 61.     Chap. 17: Goliath, Yehuda & Binyomin

NB 62.     Chap. 17: Dovid & Goliath

NB 63.     Chaps. 17-18: Dovid, Goliath & Yehonasan

NB 64.     Chap. 18: Dovid & Yehonasan; Yirah & Ahava

NB 65.     Chaps. 18-19: Pursuing Dovid

NB 66.     Chap. 19: Nayos & Nevua

NB 67.     n/c Chaps. 19-20: Shaul & Prophecy

NB 68.     n/c Chap. 20: Dovid & Yehonasan’s Agreement

NB 69.     Chap. 20: Dovid & Rosh Chodesh

NB 70.     Chap. 21: The Lechem HaPonim

NB 71.     Chap. 21: Doeg HaEdomi

NB 72.     Chaps. 21-22: Dovid’s Insanity

NB 73.     Chap. 22: The Annihilation of Nov

NB 74.     Chaps. 22-23: The Urim veTumim

NB 75.     Chap. 23: “Half Hallel”

NB 76.     Chap. 24: Clothing

NB 77.     Chap. 24: “Gemul”

NB 78.     Chaps. 24-25: Names, Shmuel & Sheep

NB 79.     Chap. 25: Kaf HaKela: The Catapult

NB 80.     Chap. 25: Kaf HaKela, Gehinnom & Reward

NB 81.     Chap. 25: Kaf HaKela & Planes of Existence

NB 82.     Chap. 25: Rememberance, Palti ben Layish

NB 83.     Chap. 26: Significance of Dovid’s Hideout

NB 84.     Chap. 26: The Water Jug

NB 85.     Chaps. 27-28: Dovid in Chutz La’Aretz

NB 86.     Chap. 28: Shaul: The Beginning of the End

NB 87.     Chap. 28: The Ov Episode p 1

NB 88.     Chap. 28: The Ov Episode p 2

NB 89.     Chap. 28: The Ov Episode p 3

NB 90.     Chap. 28: Shame & Teshuva

NB 91.     Chaps. 29-30: Plishtim & Yirah

NB 92.     Chap. 30: Amalek & Tomorrow

NB 93.     Chaps. 30-31: The Distribution of Loot

NB 94.     Chap. 31: Shaul & Suicide


Sefer Shmuel II:

NB 95.     Chap. 1: Why Did Dovid Kill Him?

NB 96.     Chap. 1: Lamentation over Shaul & Yehonasan

NB 97.     Chap. 1: The Ralbag’s “To’aluyos”

NB 98.     Chap. 2: Dovid in Chevron

NB 99.     Chaps. 2-3: The Game

NB 100.   Chap. 3: Palti ben Layish

NB 101.   Chap. 3: The Assassination of Avner

NB 102.   Chap. 3: Dovid’s Curse

NB 103.   Chaps. 3-4: Lamentation & Murder

NB 104.   Chap. 4: Olam HaBa

NB 105.   Chap. 5: Dovid

NB 106.   Chap. 5: Yerushalayim

NB 107.   Chap. 5: Dovid in Yerushalayim (cross linked with tape TY 63, missing several minutes)

NB 108.   Chap. 6: Keruvim

NB 109.   Chap. 6: Uzza: Physical Fusion with Spiritual Concepts

NB 110.   Chap. 6: Michal & Maidservants

NB 111.   Chaps. 6-7: The Will to Build the Beis HaMikdosh

NB 112.   Chap. 7: Dovid & the Beis haMikdosh

NB 113.   Chap. 7: Permanent Sanctity

NB 114.   Chap. 7: Malchus & Shechina

NB 115.   Chap. 7: Havaya”h & Adnu”s

NB 116.   Chap. 7: Havaya”h & Elokim

NB 117.   Chaps. 7-8: Elokim, Tzevako”s, Adnu”s

NB 118.   Chap. 8: Aram & Aramaic

NB 119.   Chap. 8: Edom & Yirah

NB 120.   Chap. 8: Tzedaka vs. Chesed

NB 121.   Chaps. 8-9: Mefiboshes

NB 122.   Chap. 10: Beards


Special Series: Dovid & Bas-Sheva:

NB 123.   Chap. 11: To be “Elokei Dovid?”

NB 124.   Chap. 11: Too Great a Test?

NB 125.   Chap. 11: The Test

NB 126.   Chap. 11: The Eyes of G-d

NB 127.   Dovid & Chanuka

NB 128.   Chaps. 11-12: Tanach vs. Chazal

NB 129.   Chap. 12: The Poor Man’s Sheep

NB 130.   Chap. 12: The Sun & Dovid

NB 131.   Chap. 12: Shlomo & Yedidya

NB 132.   Chaps. 12-13: Amnon & Tamar p 1

NB 133.   Chaps. 12-13: Amnon & Tamar p 2

NB 134.   Chap. 13: Amnon & Avshalom

NB 135.   Chap. 14: The Teko’ite Woman’s Parable

NB 136.   Chap. 14: “Nidach”

NB 137.   Chap. 14: Avshalom’s Eye

NB 138.   Chaps. 14-15: Avshalom’s Hair

NB 139.   Chap. 15: The Rebellion Begins

NB 140.   Chap. 15: Flight from Yerushalayim

NB 141.   Chap. 15-16: Dovid’s Groundwork

NB 142.   Chap. 16: “Rosh” and Crown

NB 143.   Chap. 16: Anava and Ta’ava

NB 144.   Chaps. 16-17: Achitofel’s Advice

NB 145.   Chap. 17: Intellect

NB 146.   Chap. 17: Achitofel’s Demise

NB 147.   Chaps. 17-18: The Forest of Efraim

NB 148.   Chap. 18: The Elah Tree

NB 149.   Chap. 18: Avshalom’s Death

NB 150.   Chaps. 18-19: Taking Avshalom Out of Gehinnom p 1

NB 151.   Chap. 19: Taking Avshalom Out of Gehinnom p 2

NB 152.   Chap. 19: Embarassments

NB 153.   Chap. 19: Shim’i ben Geira

NB 154.   Chap. 19: Tzimtzum p 1

NB 155.   Chap. 19: Tzimtzum p 2

NB 156.   Chap. 19: Mefiboshes

NB 157.   Chap. 19: Barzilai

NB 158.   Chaps. 19-20: Sheva ben Bichri

NB 159.   Chap. 20: Amasa’s Death

NB 160.   Chap. 20: Serach bas Asher

NB 161.   Chaps. 20-21: The Givonim

NB 162.   Chap. 21: Famine, Disaster and Mazel

NB 163.   Chap. 21: Kiddush Hashem in Shaul’s Children’s Death

NB 164.   Chap. 21: Burial

NB 165.   Chap. 21: The Ralbag’s “To’aluyos” p 1

NB 166.   Chap. 21: The Ralbag’s “To’aluyos” p 2

NB 167.   Chap. 22: Tehillim 18 p 1

NB 168.   Chap. 22: Tehillim 18 p 2 Tamim/Nogah

NB 169.   Chap. 22: Tehillim 18 p 3: Teva

NB 170.   Chap. 22: Tehillim 18 p 4: RSRH vs. Artscroll

NB 171.   Chap. 23: The Warriors of David

NB 172.   Chap. 23: Risking Life for Torah

NB 173.   Chaps. 23-24: Census p 1

NB 174.   Chap. 24: Census p 2: Malbim & Tzitz Eliezer

NB 175.   Chap. 24: Census p 3: Michtav Me’Eliyahu

NB 176.   Chap. 24: Census p 4

NB 177.   Chap. 24: 288 Nitzotzos

NB 178.   Chap. 24: The Plague

NB 179.   Chap. 24: Aravna

NB 180.   Chap. 24: Beis HaMikdosh: A Neck

NB 181.   Chap. 24: Conclusion


Melachim Chap. 1:

NB 182.   Introduction and Avishag Ha’Shunamis p 1

NB 183.   Avishag Ha’Shunamis p 2

NB 184.   Adoniyahu

NB 185.   Es vs. Im

NB 186.   The Throne of Dovid and Shlomo

NB 187.   Beauty

NB 188.   The Mule

NB 189.   Shlomo and Chanukah

NB 190.   Conclusion



NB 191.   Introduction-1:1

NB 192.   1:1-2

NB 193.   1:3

NB 194.   1:4

NB 195.   1:5-7

NB 196.   1:8-9

NB 197.   1:9-10

NB 198.   1:11-13

NB 199.   1:14-15

NB 200.   1:15

NB 201.   1:16


Daf Yomi in Talmud Yerushalmi

Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer

(Generally two blatt per tape. Please note: Some of these tapes are also available from “Torah Tapes” in New York for a lower price.)



TY 1.       1-2           TY 2.       3-4           TY 3.       5-6

TY 4.       7-8           TY 5.       9-10         TY 6.       11-12

TY 7.       13-14       TY 8.       15-16       TY 9.       17-18

TY 10.     19-20       TY 11.     21-22       TY 12.     23-24

TY 13.     25-26       TY 14.     27-28       TY 15.     29-30

TY 16.     31-32       TY 17.     33-34       TY 18.     35-37

TY 19.     38-40       TY 20.     41-42       TY 21.     43-46

TY 22.     47-48       TY 23.     49-52       TY 24.     53-54

TY 25.     55-57       TY 26.     58-59       TY 27.     60-61

TY 28.     62-63       TY 29.     64-65       TY 30.     66-67



TY 31.     Berachos 68 (Siyum)-Pe’ah 1   TY 32.     2-3

TY 33.     4-5           TY 34.     6-7           TY 35.     8-9

TY 36.     10-12       TY 37.     13-14       TY 38.     15-16

TY 39.     17-18       TY 40.     19-21       TY 41.     22-23

TY 42.     24-25       TY 43.     26-27       TY 44.     28-29

TY 45.     30-31       TY 46. n/c32-33     TY 47.     34-35

TY 48.     36-37



TY 49.     1-2           TY 50.     3-4           TY 51.     5-6

TY 52.     7-8           TY 53.     9-10         TY 54.     11-13

TY 55.     14-16       TY 56.     17-18       TY 57.     19-20

TY 58.     21-22       TY 59.     23-24       TY 60.     25-26

TY 61.     27-28       TY 62.     29-30      

TY 63.     31 (cross linked with Nach tape NB 107)

TY 64.     32-34



TY 65.     1-2           TY 66.     3-4           TY 67.     5-7

TY 68.     8-9           TY 69.     10-11       TY 70.     12-13

TY 71.     14-15       TY 72.     16-17       TY 73.     18-19

TY 74.     20-21       TY 75.     21-22       TY 76.     23-25

TY 77.     26-27       TY 78.     28-29       TY 79.     30-31

TY 80.     32-33       TY 81.     34-35       TY 82.     36-37

TY 83.     38-39       TY 84.     40-41       TY 85.     42-43

TY 86.     44



TY 87.     1-2           TY 88.     3-4           TY 89.     5-6

TY 90.     7-8           TY 91.     9-10         TY 92.     11-12

TY 93.     13-14       TY 94.     15-16       TY 95.     17-18

TY 96.     19            TY 97.     20-22       TY 98.     23-25

TY 99.     26            TY 100.   27-28       TY 101.   29



TY 102. Shevi’is 30 (Siyum)-Terumos 1

TY 103.   2-4           TY 104.   5-6           TY 105.   7-8

TY 106.   9-10         TY 107.   11-12       TY 108.   13-14

TY 109.   15-16       TY 110.   17-18       TY 111.   19-21

TY 112.   22-23       TY 113.   24-26       TY 114.   27-28

TY 115.   29-30       TY 116.   31-32       TY 117.   33-34

TY 118.   35-36       TY 119.   37-38       TY 120.   39-41

TY 121.   42-43       TY 122.   44-45       TY 123.   46-47

TY 124.   48-50       TY 125.   51-52       TY 126.   53-54

TY 127.   55-56       TY 128.   57-59



TY 129.   1-2           TY 130.   3-4           TY 131.   5

TY 132.   6-7           TY 133.   8-9           TY 134.   10-11

TY 135.   12-13       TY 136.   14-15       TY 137.   16-17

TY 138.   18-19       TY 139.   20-21       TY 140.   22-23

TY 141.   24-25


Ma’aser Sheni:

TY 142.   Ma’asros 26 (Siyum)-Ma’aser Sheni 1-2

TY 143.   3-4           TY 144.   5-6           TY 145.   7-8

TY 146.   9-10         TY 147.   11-12       TY 147a   12-13

TY 148.   13-14       TY 149.   15-16       TY 150.   17-18      

TY 151.   19            TY 152.   20-21       TY 153.   22-23      

TY 154.   24-25       TY 155.   26-27       TY 156.   28-29      

TY 157.   30-31       TY 158.   32-33



TY 159.   1-2           TY 160.   3-4           TY 161.   5-6

TY 162.   7-8           TY 163.   9-10         TY 164.   13-14

TY 165.   15-16       TY 166.   17-19       TY 167.   20-21

TY 168.   22-23       TY 169.   24-25       TY 170.   26-27



TY 171.   Challa 27 (Siyum)-Orla 1         TY 172.   2-3

TY 173.   4-5           TY 174.   6-7           TY 175.   8-9

TY 176.   10-11       TY 177.   12-13       TY 178.   14-15

TY 179.   16            TY 180.   17-18



TY 181.   Orla 19-20 (Siyum)-Bikkurim 1

TY 182.   2-3           TY 183.   4-5           TY 184.   6-7

TY 185.   8-9           TY 186.   10-11

TY 187    12-13: Siyum Seder Zera’im,

Special Presentation by Rabbi Meyer Magence



TY 188.   1-2           TY 189.   3-4           TY 190.   5-6

TY 191.   7-8           TY 192.   9-10         TY 193.   11-12

TY 194.   13-14       TY 195.   15-16       TY 196.   17-18

TY 197.   19-20       TY 198.   21-22       TY 199.   22-24

TY 200.   25-26       TY 201.   27-28       TY 202.   29-30

TY 203.   31-32       TY 204.   33-34       TY 205.   35-36

TY 206.   37-38       TY 207.   39-40       TY 208.   41-42

TY 209.   43-44       TY 210.   45-46       TY 211.   47-48

TY 212.   49-50       TY 213.   51-52       TY 214.   53-54

TY 215.   55-56       TY 216.   57-58       TY 217.   59-60

TY 218.   61-62       TY 219.   63-64       TY 220.   65-66

TY 221.   67-68       TY 222.   69-70       TY 223.   71

TY 224.   72-73       TY 225.   74-75       TY 226.   76-77

TY 227.   78-79       TY 228.   80-81       TY 229.   82-83

TY 230.   84-85       TY 231.   86-87       TY 232.   88-89

TY 233.   90-92



TY 234.   1-2           TY 235.   3-4           TY 236.   5-6

TY 237.   7-8           TY 238.   9-10         TY 239.   11-12

TY 240.   13-14       TY 241.   15-17       TY 242.   18-19

TY 243.   20-21       TY 244.   22-23       TY 245.   24-25

TY 246.   26-27       TY 247.   28-30       TY 248.   31-32

TY 249.   33            TY 250.   34-35       TY 251.   36-38

TY 252.   39-40       TY 253.   40-41       TY 254.   42

TY 255.   43-44       TY 256.   45-46       TY 257.   47-48

TY 258.   49-51       TY 259.   52-53       TY 260.   54-55

TY 261.   56-57       TY 262.   58-60       TY 263.   61

TY 264.   62-63       TY 265.   64-65



TY 266.   1-2           TY 267.   3-4           TY 268.   5-6

TY 269.   7-8           TY 270.   9              TY 271.   10-11

TY 272.   12-13       TY 273.   14-15       TY 274.   16-17

TY 275.   18-19       TY 276.   20-21       TY 277.   22-23

TY 278.   24-25       TY 279.   26-27       TY 280.   28-30

TY 281.   31-32       TY 282.   33            TY 283.   34-35

TY 284.   36-38       TY 285.   39-40       TY 286.   41-42

TY 287.   43-44       TY 288.   45            TY 289.   46-47

TY 290.   48-49       TY 291.   50-51       TY 292.   52-53

TY 293.   54-55       TY 294.   56-57       TY 295.   58-59

TY 296.   60-61       TY 297.   62-64       TY 298.   65-66

TY 299.   67-68       TY 300.   69



TY 301.   1-2           TY 302.   3-4           TY 303.   5-6

TY 304.   7-8           TY 305.   9-10         TY 306.   11-12

TY 307.   13-14       TY 308.   15-16       TY 309.   17-18

TY 310.   19-20


Rosh HaShana:

TY 311.   Beitza 21 (Siyum)-Rosh HaShana 1

TY 312.   2              TY 313.   3-4           TY 314.   5-6

TY 315.   7-9           TY 316.   10-11       TY 317.   12-13

TY 318.   14-15       TY 319.   16-17       TY 320.   18-19

TY 321.   20-21



TY 322.   Rosh HaShana 22 (Siyum)-Yuma 1-2

TY 323.   3-4           TY 324.   5-6           TY 325.   7-8

TY 326.   9-10         TY 327.   11-12       TY 328.   13-14

TY 329.   15-18       TY 330.   19-20       TY 331.   21-22

TY 332.   23-27       TY 333.   28-29       TY 334.   30

TY 335.   31-32       TY 336.   33-34       TY 337.   35-36

TY 338.   37-38       TY 339.   39-40       TY 340.   41-42



TY 341.   1-2           TY 342.   3-4           TY 343.   5-6

TY 344.   7-8           TY 345.   9-11         TY 346.   12-13

TY 347.   14-15       TY 348.   16-17       TY 349.   18-19

TY 350.   20-21       TY 351.   22-23       TY 352.   24-26



TY 353.   1-2           TY 354.   3-4           TY 355.   5-6

TY 356.   7-8           TY 357.   9-10         TY 358.   11-12

TY 359.   13-14       TY 360.   15-16       TY 361.   17-18

TY 362.   19-20       TY 363.   21-22       TY 364.   23-24

TY 365.   25-26



TY 366.   1-2           TY 367.   3-4           TY 368.   5-6

TY 369.   7-8           TY 370.   9-10         TY 371.   11-12

TY 372.   13-14       TY 373.   15-16       TY 374.   17-18

TY 375.   19-20       TY 376.   21-22       TY 377.   23-24

TY 378.   25-26       TY 379.   27-28       TY 380.   29-30

TY 381.   n/c 31     TY 382.   32-33       TY 383.   33-34-Chagiga 1



TY 384.   2-3           TY 385.   4              TY 386.   5

TY 387.   6              TY 388.   7              TY 389.   8-9

TY 390.   10            TY 391.   11            TY 392.   12

TY 393.   13            TY 394.   14-15       TY 395.   16

TY 396.   17-18       TY 397.   19            TY 398.   20

TY 399.   21-22


Mo’ed Kattan:

TY 400.   1-2           TY 401.   n/c 3-4    TY 402.   n/c 5-6

TY 403.   7-8           TY 404.   9-10         TY 405.   11-12

TY 406.   13            TY 407.   14-15       TY 408.   16-17

TY 409.   18-19



TY 410.   1-2-Siyum Seder Mo’ed           TY 411.   3-4

TY 412.   5-6           TY 413.   7              TY 414.   8-9

TY 415.   10-11       TY 416.   n/c 12     TY 417.   13-14

TY 418.   15-16       TY 419.   17            TY 420.   18-19

TY 421.   20            TY 422.   21-22       TY 423.   23-24

TY 424.   25-26       TY 425.   27-28       TY 426.   29-30

TY 427.   31-32       TY 428.   33-34       TY 429.   35-36

TY 430.   37            TY 431.   38-39       TY 432.   40-41

TY 433.   42-43       TY 434.   44            TY 435.   45-46

TY 436.   47-48       TY 437.   49            TY 438.   50-51

TY 439.   52-53       TY 440.   54-55       TY 441.   56-57

TY 442.   58-59       TY 443.   60-61       TY 444.   62-63

TY 445.   64-65       TY 446.   66-67       TY 447.   68-69

TY 448.   70-71       TY 449.   72-73       TY 450.   74-75

TY 451.   76-77       TY 452.   78-79       TY 453.   80-81

TY 454.   82-83       TY 455.   84-85



TY 456.   1-2           TY 457.   3-4           TY 458.   5-6

TY 459.   7-8           TY 460.   9-10         TY 461.   11

TY 462.   12            TY 463.   13-14       TY 464.   15-16

TY 465.   17-19       TY 466.   20-21       TY 467.   22-23

TY 468.   24-25       TY 469.   26-27       TY 470.   28-29

TY 471.   30            TY 472.   31-32       TY 473.   33-34

TY 474.   35-37       TY 475.   38-39       TY 476.   40-41

TY 477.   42-43       TY 478.   44-45       TY 479.   46-47

TY 480.   48-49       TY 481.   50-51       TY 482.   52

TY 483.   53-54       TY 484.   55-56       TY 485.   57-58

TY 486.   59            TY 487.   60-61       TY 488.   62

TY 489.   63-64       TY 490.   65-66       TY 491.   67-68

TY 492.   68-69       TY 493.   70-72



TY 494.   1-2           TY 495.   3-4           TY 496.   5-6

TY 497.   7-8           TY 498.   9-10         TY 499.   11-12

TY 500.   13-14       TY 501.   15-16       TY 502.   17-18

TY 503.   19-20       TY 504.   21            TY 505.   22-23

TY 506.   24-25       TY 507.   26-27       TY 508.   28-29

TY 509.   30-31       TY 510.   32-33       TY 511.   34-35

TY 512.   36-37       TY 513.   38-39       TY 514.   40-41

TY 515.   42            TY 516.   43-44       TY 517. (n/c) 45

TY 518.   46-47



TY 519.   1-2           TY 520.   3-4           TY 521.   5

TY 522.   6-7           TY 523.   8-9           TY 524.   10-11

TY 525.   12-13       TY 526.   14-15       TY 527.   16-17

TY 528.   17-18       TY 529.   19-20       TY 530.   21

TY 531.   22-23       TY 532.   24-25       TY 533.   26-27

TY 534.   28            TY 535.   29-30       TY 536.   31-32

TY 537.   33-36       TY 538.   37-38       TY 539.   39-40-Nazir 1



TY 540.   2-3           TY 541.   4-5           TY 542.   6-7

TY 543.   8-9           TY 544.   10            TY 545.   11-12

TY 546.   13            TY 547.   14-15       TY 548.   16-17

TY 549.   18-19       TY 550.   20            TY 551.   21-22

TY 552.   23-24       TY 553.   25-26       TY 554.   27-28

TY 555.   29-30       TY 556.   31            TY 557.   32-33

TY 558.   34-35       TY 559.   36            TY 560.   37-38

TY 561.(n/c)39-40 TY 562.   41-42       TY 563.   43-44

TY 564.   45-46       TY 565.   47-Gittin 1



TY 566.   2-3           TY 567.   4-6           TY 568.   7-8

TY 569.   9-11         TY 570.   12-13       TY 571.   14-15

TY 572.   16-18       TY 573.   19-20       TY 574.   21-22

TY 575.   23-24       TY 576.   25-26       TY 577.   27-28

TY 578.   29-30       TY 579.   31-32       TY 580.   33-34

TY 581.   35-36       TY 582.   37-38



Special Lectures

LE 1.       The Alleged Commentary of Rabbi Yehuda heChasid al haTorah Rabbi Y.G. Bechhofer

LE 2.       The Responsibility of a Patient to Accept Medical Treatment Rabbi Yaakov Weiner

LE 3.       Glory from the Ashes: A Torah Approach to the Holocaust Rabbi A. Kivelevitz

LE 4.       Hidden Codes in the Torah: Evidence of Divine Origin Mr. Elisha Naiman

LE 5.       Desert Bloom: The Flourishing of Torah in Post World War II America Rabbi Leib Y. Tarshish

LE 6.       Yom Kippur & the Viddui Rabbi Ari Isaacs

LE 7.       Surrogate Motherhood Rabbi E. Heisherik

LE 8.       Competition in the Business World Rabbi Ephraim Stein

LE 9.       Non “Purim Torah” Purim Torah Mr. Elisha Naiman

LE 10.     Marriage: Halachos & Emotions p 1 Rabbi Zev Cohen

LE 11.     Marriage: Halachos & Emotions p 2 Rabbi Zev Cohen

LE 12.     Genetic Engineering in Halacha Dr. Robert Friedman

LE 13.     Judaism & Christianity: Torah vs. “Nomos”: Paul’s “Critique” of the “Law” Rabbi David Riceman

LE 14.     Amalek Lives: The Resurgence of Nazism in Contemporary Times Rabbi A. Kivelevitz

LE 15.     Techniques for Prophets Rabbi David Riceman

LE 16.     Judaism & Islam: The Illiterate Prophet Rabbi David Riceman

LE 17.     The Two Torahs Mr. Tuvia Vinitsky

LE 18.     Techeles: True Blue? Dr. Ari Greenspan

LE 19.     The Misunderstood Maccabee Rabbi Fyvel Shuster

LE 20.     Shabbos: The Rest of the Story Rabbi Y. Leichtman

LE 21.     How to be a “Maggid” Maggid: Good Stuff to Say at the Seder Mr. Elisha Naiman


Special Series: The Philosophy of Halacha:

Rabbi David Riceman

LE 22.     What is Halacha?

LE 23.     How Halacha Develops

LE 24.     Concluding Psak Halacha


Special Series: Topics in Hashkafa:

Rabbi Yisroel Leichtman

LE 25.     Don’t be so Quick to Judge!

LE 26.     What’s in a Name?

LE 27.     Jewish Views on Success

LE 28.     Cities of Refuge Rabbi Dovid Schwartz

LE 29.     Norway Rabbi Michael Melchior


Special Series: Tefilla:

Rabbi Gershon Eliezer Schaffel

LE 30.     The Structure of Davening

LE 31.     Berachos HaShachar & Pesukei DiZimra

LE 32.     Kerias Shema

LE 33.     Shemoneh Esrei


Special Series: The Avos:

Rabbi Yisroel Leichtman

LE 34.     Avrohom Avinu

LE 35.     Yitzchok Avinu

LE 36.     Yaakov Avinu

LE 37.     Yosef HaTzadik

LE 38.     The Peterson Park-Lincolnwood Eruv Rabbi Ben Zion Wosner

LE 39.     “Chumros”: Is the Way to Heaven Paved with Them? Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer


History of Ideas in Judaism

Rabbi Avraham Kivelevitz

IJ 1.         The Netziv & the Beis HaLevi

IJ 2.         Conflagration at Volozhin: The Battle Around

the Netziv & the Beis HaLevi

IJ 3.         Chanukah: Fact & Fiction


Special Series: Religious Zionism

IJ 4.         Rav Soloveichik’s Ideas & Influence (defective)

IJ 5.         The Rejoinder of Rav Shach

IJ 6.         The Chovevei Zion

IJ 7.         The Early Period (defective)

IJ 8.         Lubavitch

IJ 9.         The Origins of Mizrachi

IJ 10.       The Perspective of Rav Kook

IJ 11.       The Great Esrog War

IJ 12.       Demonic Miracles: Satmar & the State of Israel


Special Series: The Fifties

IJ 13.       Transition & Controversy

IJ 14.       Irreligious vs. Religious in Israel: Women in the Army


Special Series: Torah Giants

IJ 15.       Reb Tzvi Pesach Frank & the Chief Rabbinate

IJ 16.       The Chazon Ish: “Frumkeit”

IJ 17.       The Brisker Rav & Heichal Shlomo

IJ 18.       Reb Moshe Feinstein: Posek & Tzaddik


Special Series: Squelching the Joy

IJ 19.       Chassidic Song & Dance on Shabbos

IJ 20.       Berdichev, Breslov, Munkatch, “Kalte Litvaks”

IJ 21.       Semicha, Sanhedrin & Rabbonus p 1

IJ 22.       Semicha, Sanhedrin & Rabbonus p 2

IJ 23.       Fertility Anguish in the Baby Boom

IJ 24.       Women’s Rights: Palestine Circa 1918

IJ 25.       Shaving on Chol HaMoed: The Noda BiYehuda


Special Series: Unconventional Leaders & Luminaries

IJ 26.       The Ramchal & the Besht

IJ 27.       Reb Yisroel Salanter: Piercing the Veil

IJ 28.       Reb Yisroel Salanter: Pilpul, Passion, Power

IJ 29.       Kotzk: Sharpness of a Flaming Sword

IJ 30.       Kotzk: Majesty & Melancholy

IJ 31.       Epitaphs & Legacies


Special Series: Gilgulim

IJ 32.       Reincarnation & Transmigration of Souls

IJ 33.       The Mystery of the Yevama

IJ 34.       “To Fathom” Human Suffering (defective)

IJ 35.       The First Yom Kippur

IJ 36.       Yom Tov Reflections

IJ 37.       Avoda Zara: Eigel HaZahav & Erev Rav

IJ 38.       The Holy Source of Evil

IJ 39.       Meshumad: No Way Out

IJ 40.       Meshumad: Tortured Portraits

IJ 41.       The Agonies of Islam

IJ 42.       Zohar: The Book

IJ 43.       Halacha vs.Kabbala

IJ 44.       War: What It’s Good For

IJ 45.       Compassion: Spotlight on the “Moderns”

IJ 46.       Torah Giants: R’ Samson Raphael Hirsch

IJ 47.       Milkhemet HaKochavim: The Debate Over Astrology p 1

IJ 48.       Milkhemet HaKochavim: The Debate Over Astrology p 2

IJ 49.       Milkhemet HaKochavim: The Debate Over Astrology p 3

IJ 50.       Cherem D’Rabbeinu Gershom p 1

IJ 51.       Cherem D’Rabbeinu Gershom p 2

IJ 52.       Rav Kook & Kitniyos p 1 (defective)

IJ 53.       Rav Kook & Kitniyos p 2

IJ 54.       The Excommunicated R’ Eliezer ben Hurkanus p 1

IJ 55.       The Excommunicated R’ Eliezer ben Hurkanus p 2

IJ 56.       Approaches to the Maharal

IJ 57.       Trouble in the Golden Age p 1

IJ 58.       Trouble in the Golden Age p 2

IJ 59.       Prisoner of Cordoba: Menachem Ibn Saruk

IJ 60.       n/c Mikveh for Men p 1

IJ 61.       Mikveh for Men p 2

IJ 62.       In the Shadow of the GR”A

IJ 63.       When Was Sefer Bereishis Written?

IJ 64.       Haskala Terrified

IJ 65.       The Trouble with Tefillin


Special Series: Secrets of Shemoneh Esrei

IJ 66.       Prayer Without Words

IJ 67.       Secrets of the Shemoneh Esrei

IJ 68.       Moshiach (defective)

IJ 69.       The Best Nusach

IJ 70.       Minim p 1

IJ 71.       Minim p 2

IJ 72.       Hellenists: Down but not Out (defective)

IJ 73.       Shakin’ ‘n’ Movin’

IJ 74.       Rambam & Son

IJ 75.       Problems of Tefilla b’Tzibbur


Special Series: Korbonos

IJ 76.       Blueprint of the Universe

IJ 77.       Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi & Ibn Ezra

IJ 78.       Why is an Eruv like a Korbon

IJ 79.       Bestial Symbolism

IJ 80.       Chometz, Salt & Honey

IJ 81.       Post Purim Verities

IJ 82.       Eybeschutz-Emden; ‘Nuff Said (defective)

IJ 83.       Havdala: Will Travel

IJ 84.       Korbonos: Fat-Free Diet


Special Series: Odysseys

IJ 85.       Reb Nachman of Breslov

IJ 86.       Reb Nachman: Silent Song, Invisible Dance

IJ 87.       Reb Nachman: Voyage Unending

IJ 88.       Reb Nachman: The Rest of the Story

IJ 89.       Reb Isaac of Kumarna: Diary of a Tzaddik

IJ 90.       Reb Isaac of Kumarna: Simplicity of the Sublime

IJ 91.       Reb Isaac of Kumarna: Persecution & Paradox

IJ 92.       Rav Kook: Trapped by Words

IJ 93.       Rav Kook: Beacon of the Storm

IJ 94.       n/c Rav Kook: Torn from Tziyon

IJ 95.       The Nazir: Rabbi David Cohen


Special Series: Men of the Mishna

IJ 96.       Rabbi Yehuda HaNassi

IJ 97.       Writing the Oral Law

IJ 98.       The Netziv’s Perspective

IJ 99.       Fluidity, Form, Freedom

IJ 100.     History According to Rav Sa’adya Gaon

IJ 101.     Rav Sherira Gaon to the Rescue

IJ 102.     The Six Hundred Sedarim

IJ 103.     Rabbi Meir & Rabbi Nosson: Plot & Project

IJ 104.     Rabbi David Tzvi Hoffman

IJ 105.     Piecing Pirkei Avos Together p 1

IJ 106.     Piecing Pirkei Avos Together p 2

IJ 107.     Hillel



Midrash & Zohar on the Parasha

Rabbi Avraham Kivelevitz

MP 1.      The Dogs of Egypt (Be’Shalach)

MP 2.      Sinai Ad Infinitum (Yisro)

MP 3.      Beyond Civility (Mishpatim)

MP 4.      The Right & the Left (Teruma)

MP 5.      Moshe Rabbeinu: Man of the Night (Tetzaveh)

MP 6.      Moshe Rabbeinu: The Defender (Ki Tisa)

MP 7.      Change of Command (Vayakhel)

MP 8.      Mesorah of Gold (Pikudei)

MP 9.      Outrageous Child (Vayikra)

MP 10.    Against Asceticism (Tzav)

MP 11.    Wine of the World (Shemini)

MP 12.    Milah: Mizbai’ach Supreme (Tazri’a)

MP 13.    Putting Evil in its Place (Metzora)

MP 14.    Niddah & Ervah (Acharei Mos)

MP 15.    Lavan the Destroyer (Kedoshim)

MP 16.    The Secret of Sefira (Emor)

MP 17.    Yovel Deconstructed (Behar)

MP 18.    Celestial Windows (Bechukosy)

MP 19.    The Power of Story (Beha’aloscha)

MP 20.    Iyov & the Eitz HaDa’as (Shelach)

MP 21.    Cadre of Villains (Korach)

MP 22.    The Original Shabtai Zvi (Chukas)

MP 23.    Who Are We? (Balak)

MP 24.    The Race to Repugnance (Pinchos)

MP 25.    The Soul of Elul (Ki Tavo)

MP 26.    The Song of Teshuva (Ha’azinu)

MP 27.    Recreating Gan Eden (Noach)

MP 28.    The Rehabilitation of Terach (Lech Lecha)

MP 29.    The Significance of Lot (Vayeira)

MP 30.    Deal for Jerusalem (Chayei Sarah)

MP 31.    Retreat to Salvation (Toldos)

MP 32.    Hidden Woman (Vayeitzei)

MP 33.    Scent of Hasmodoh (Vayishlach)

MP 34.    Born Free? (Vayeisheiv)

MP 35.    Covenant Limits (Nitzavim)

MP 36.    It’s All Done with Mirrors (Shemos)

MP 37.    n/c Bad Empathy (Va’Eira)

MP 38.    Tasteless yet Timeless (Bo)

MP 39.    Matzo & Mon (Be’Shalach)

MP 40.    Return of Reuven (Miketz)

MP 41.    n/c Final Victory (Yisro)

MP 42.    Necessary Degradation (Mishpatim)

MP 43.    Kiss in Balance (Teruma)

MP 44.    Prophetic Battery (Tetzaveh)

MP 45.    Shabbos Mentally & Physically (Vakhel-Pekudei p 1)

MP 46.    Havdala: Submission to the Flame (Vakhel-Pekudei p 2)

MP 47.    Pesach: Unanswered Questions

MP 48.    Truth from Teiman (Shemini)

MP 49.    Hidden Guarantor (Acharei-Kedoshim)

MP 50.    Blasphemer: Making of a Megadef (Emor) p 1

MP 51.    Blasphemer: Making of a Megadef (Emor) p 2

MP 52.    The Most Difficult Yom Tov of All (Bamidbar-Shavuos)

MP 53.    Stopping the Presses (Naso)

MP 54.    Shevet Levi’s Tantrum (Behalosecha)

MP 55.    Day 52 (Shavuos)

MP 56.    Tahara & Kedusha (Shelach)

MP 57.    (Ki Tavo)

MP 58.    Breaking the Monotony (Bereishis)

MP 59.    Quoting the Raven (Noach)

MP 60.    Shechina in a Box (Lech Lecha)

MP 61.    Prisoner of Justice (Vayeira)

MP 62.    Avrohom’s Daughter (Chayei Sarah)

MP 63.    Rosh HaShana (5757)

MP 64.    Ending Well (Toldos)

MP 65.    Rape & Love (Vayishlach)

MP 66.    Heir Unapparent (Vayeishev)

MP 67.    Snowfire (Chanukah)

MP 68.    Unviolated Secret (Vayigash)

MP 69.    Staff & Serpent (Va’eira)

MP 70.    Illumination from Darkness (Bo)

MP 71.    The Song Remains the Same (Be’Shalach)

MP 72.    Incongruous Dibbur (Yisro)

MP 73.    Twilight Will (Teruma)

MP 74.    Hatavah (Teztaveh)

MP 75.    Two Faces of Eigel (Ki Tisa)

MP 76.    Moshe’s Secret (Pekudei)

MP 77.    The Enemy Within (Zachor)

MP 78.    Lacking Credentials (Shemini)

MP 79.    The Embryo (Pesach) (slightly defective)



Also available from the HTC Frumi Noble Night Kollel:

($12.00 plus $2.00 postage):

Bigdei Shesh on Mesechta Bava Basra

by Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer

363 pages, 55 simanim in Halacha, 5 simanim in Agada, hundreds of he’aros, comprehensive index. The sefer bears Haskamos of HaRabbonim HaGeonim shlita:

R’ Simcha Zisel Broide, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron, Yerushalayim.

R’ Aryeh Leib Bakst, Rosh Yeshiva Ateres Mordechai, Detroit.

R’ Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, Dayan, Yerushalayim.

R’ Refael Shmuelevitz, Rosh Yeshivas Mir, Yerushalayim.

Please note: Eruvin in Modern Metropolitan Areas, by Rabbi Bechhofer, that used to be available through the Brandman Tape Library, is now available in an expanded hardcover format as: The Contemporary Eruv, published by Feldheim Publishers, at Seforim Stores and from the publishers.

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