Intimate Knowledge of G‑d
Compassion Toward People
Splendor in Mind and Heart
On Wed, Sep 4, 2024 at 6:57?PM Akiva Miller via Avodah < avodah at> wrote: > "They" say that every bullet has a predestined name and address. > Unfortunately, [...]
On Wed, Sep 04, 2024 at 01:58:39PM +1000, Rabbi Meir G. Rabi via Avodah wrote: > Please tell us more about Tosafos's definition (Chullin 95a "sefeiqo > assur") that qavua [...]
On Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 05:50:20PM -0400, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote: > What is the proper attitude to have onrosh chodesh av given it's the start > of [...]
On Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 05:52:46PM -0400, Joel Rich via Avodah wrote: > Tzedaka is an area that I've found fascinating for a while. IMHO > halacha/hashkafa provides general [...]
On Wed, Sep 04, 2024 at 01:58:01PM +1000, Rabbi Meir G. Rabi via Avodah wrote: > R Micha, you wrote - Consequentialism - the best outcome for the most people [...]
"They" say that every bullet has a predestined name and address. Unfortunately, I don't know who "they" are, and Google wasn't any help either. Nevertheless, I found pasuk 19:5 in [...]
Tzedaka is an area that I?ve found fascinating for a while. IMHO halacha/hashkafa provides general guidelines, but leaves a lot up to the individual. I?ve often thought that the process [...]
R Micha, you wrote - Consequentialism - the best outcome for the most people - but not in all circumstances only where someone is anyway going to die, the boat [...]
- YGB - יג"ב
- Aspaqlaria
- Rabbi Yaakov Feldman
- | Modern Uberdox
[youtube]RSZA zt"l on some Selichos IssuesA recording for the BHP daily Halachic Whatsapp group [...]
Podcast format at[youtube] [...]
Zohar Al Pi Pshat Day 99. 12b: The Fourth Commandment:An Amazing Ralbag as Pshat in the ZoharThe Ralbag on והייתם כאלקים.I don't think the Ralbag ever learned Zohar, but it [...]
Knock-Your-Socks-Off History of Churban Bayis II & the Bar Kokhba Rebellion part 5, The Real Third MikdashThe evidence that there was a functioning third Beis HaMikdash at the time of [...]
A new Facebook page for theDailyZohar al pi PshatRecordings is at:Daily Zohar Al Pi Pshat | FacebookAll past recordings are posted there, and IYH it will be updated daily. [...]
Knock-Your-Socks-Off History of Churban Bayis II and the Bar Kokhba Rebellion Part 4:Changes to the Rules of WarHow the rules of war changed over time from not allowing even defensive war [...]
My number in Israel for the next two weeks is 055-331-0940. [...]
Tisha b'Av Proram and Kinnos at Cong. Anshei Palisades Tisha b'Av 5784/2024The sections in which I do not appear in front of the camera are the times at which we [...]
Leniencies on the 10th of Av for Someone Who is Travelling Before Midday and Other Extenuating Circumstances[youtube]A recording for the BHP daily Halachic Whatsapp group [...]
Knock-Your-Socks-Off History of Churban Bayis Sheni and the Bar Kokhba Rebellion Part 3, Churban and AftermathThe first two of the ten martyrs (Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel and Rabbi Yishmael Kohen [...]
A BHP Productions video on the Parasha.Parashat Devarim:Teshuvah Out of Fear Does Not Cancel Punishments[youtube] [...]
Podcast format at[youtube] [...]
Rischa D'Araisa Season 9 Episode 24:Explosive Season Finale:Fielding your Questions and Critiques click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air: With downloads approaching the [...]
Knock-Your-Socks-Off History of Churban Bayis Sheni and the Bar Kokhba Rebellionpart 2OverviewAn Overview of the Mind-Blowing Historical Bombshells that we shall see IYH in depth in the rest of the [...]
seeאפרים_דב_לאפKnock-Your-Socks-Off History of Churban Bayis Sheni and the Bar Kokhba Rebellionpart 1Sanhedrins(Yes, There Were More Than One)From the preface to the sefer Zivchei Ephraim by Rabbi Ephraim Dov HaKohen [...]
Rav Dovid Lifshitz zt”l (whose 31st yahrzeit is today) often spoke about the connection between shaleim as wholeness, and that of another conjugation, “shalom“, peace. Shalom is not simply a cessation of violence. That [...]
Parashas Behar is a list of mitzvos. The first section is all about shemittah and yovel. A family’s ancestral land cannot be sold into perpetuity. Instead, if someone is forced [...]
This week I’d like to discuss three seemingly unrelated questions about the words of the tephillah: The focus of Shabbos Mussaf davening is the paragraph that begins “Tiqanta Shabbos…” What [...]
Here’s my theory about the origin of this minhag. My point here is not really about advocating for the minhag. I just feel a need to push back when people [...]
והיה רגיל להוכיח אותי על שראה שאינני משתתף בצערא דאחרינא. וכה היה דברו אלי תמיד שזה כל האדם. לא לעצמו נברא רק להועיל לאחריני ככל אשר ימצא בכחו לעשות. [My [...]
Micha’s note: The following was a post written to the Mesorah email list by Rabbi Dr. Seth Mandel zt”l, a rebbe-chaver of mine (more: a rebbe who insisted on treating [...]
(I put these thoughts together for a reply for my daughter Gavi, who pointed me to a medrash that “everyone in her neighborhood” were talking about, but I then was [...]
“Poteach et Yadekha“, oil on canvasHaim Masliach, 2021 A comment by Ilana Elzafun* brought this Seforno to my attention. This week’s parashah (Lekh Likha), Bereishis 16:13, describes Hagar’s prayer to [...]
Dear R Dr Broyde (Cc: Avodah), Over Shabbos, I read your article about getting ChatGPT to discuss whether a kohein in a same-sex marriage may go up to duchen. I [...]
Nephesh Hachaim 1:13 1. T The things we say can also link celestial worlds, rectify this one, and interconnect with the upper worlds, as we’ll now see. After all, we’re [...]
Da’at Tevunot 3:7 (¶ 118 [middle]) 1. We’d do well to take something into consideration, Ramchal adds here. It’s that just because something or someone is imperfect doesn’t mean [...]
The Way of G-d 2:6:4 1. G-d allowed for a prosecutor in His court, famously known as satan 1. His role is to argue against the accused, which them enables [...]
Nephesh Hachaim 1:12 1. R. Chaim already spoke 1 of the fact that we could only link celestial worlds, rectify this one, and interconnect with those upper worlds after we’d [...]
Da’at Tevunot 3:6 (¶ 118 [beginning]) 1. Ramchal reiterates here 1 that wrong is a created entity 2 that was only designed to last for as long as G-d wanted [...]
The Way of G-d 2:6:3 1. Given the above, the fact is that G-d doesn’t judge the world according to His foreknowledge but rather according to the way He wants [...]
Nephesh Hachaim 1:11 1. Following up on the thought offered in the last chapter that despite our being connected to physicality we’re nevertheless superior to angels, R’ Chaim now [...]
Da’at Tevunot 3:5 (¶s 116 [end] – 117) 1. Ramchal says that he’s going to expand upon things he’d said above 1 and reveal things that are “deep” about [...]
The Way of G-d 2:6:2 1. G-d appears in each Sanhedrin and court, influences it, and sees to it that justice is served 1. Now, in some instances [...]
Nephesh Hachaim 1:10 1. Given all of the above concerning our makeup and capacities, it’s reasonable to wonder whether angels are loftier than we are or we’re loftier than they. [...]
Da’at Tevunot 3:4 (¶ 116 [beg.]) 1. Ramchal is about to offer something that will serve as a prelude to what’s to follow 1. It’s that even though G-d [...]
Derech Hashem 2:6:1 In the course of His interactions with the world 1, G-d arranged it so that phenomena that affect both the things that humankind brings about 2 and [...]
Nephesh Hachaim 1:9 1. Following through on the discussion of the previous chapter, R’ Chaim contrasts the situation of the generation that dwelt in the Sinai Desert 1 with that [...]
Da’at Tevunot 3:3 (¶’s 103- 115) 1. It seems logical, doesn’t it, that goodness would be a product of something that emanates goodness while wrongfulness would be a product of [...]
Da’atTevunot 3:2 (# 98 – 102) 1. Ramchal starts to explain the role of wrong and injustice in the world with a proposition derived from Rambam1. It’s that when G-d [...]
Nephesh Hachaim 1:8 1. R’ Chaim offers a rather complex discussion here about the positioning of the Cherubs in the Tabernacle and Holy Temple in order to illustrate his point [...]
The website 18FORTY has a fantastic and thoughtful multimedia post on OTD that is worth watching, reading, and listening to. If you are reading this then you know I don’t [...]
Spoiler, there isn’t much substance to I what have to say. Also, I am spoiling the end of the Skywalker saga. After reading an excellent essay by Rabbi Harry Maryles [...]
I checked my recent writing history today and the last legit post of mine was really 3.5 years ago. For some that’s a long chunk of time. In that time [...]
My wife’s comment on Simchas Torah pretty much summed it up, “I feel like this is the biggest tease for you.” You see, my mom a”h was niftar right before [...]
When today comes around I usually think about things my father missed since he has been gone. I decided that this year I’ll attempt to list a number of things [...]
Walking out of shul, the morning after Yom Kippur, a follow early Sunday morning riser casually said to me, “Back to normal, right?” I was taken off guard (and also [...]
I have started this post about 2 dozen times over the past 3 years and I never seem to get more than about 300 words written about why I stopped [...]
I want to share something that Rav Efraim Twerski said at his Shabbos HaGadol drasha. After starting off with 10 questions Rav Twerski said over an amazing Torah from Rav [...]
So, tonight’s the 6th yahrtzeit for my dad, Avraham ben Zorach a”h (Al, of blessed memory). Like everyone else that has lost a parent I lit my 24 hour yahrzeit [...]
“WARMED BY THE FIRE OF THE AISH KODESH– Torah from the Hilulas of Reb Kalonymus Kalman Shapira of Piaseczna” by Rav Moshe Weinberger and adapted by Binyomin Wolf is more [...]