Avodah Mailing List
Volume 02 : Number 037
Thursday, October 29 1998
Subjects Discussed In This Issue:
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 18:01:26 EST
From: Yzkd@aol.com
Subject: Re: Gadol hametzuveh vi'oseh
In a message dated 10/28/98 11:37:38 AM EST, micha@aishdas.org writes:
> The "eino metzuveh" isn't commanded because it is less critical
> for her path to her ideal.
And in some cases it can distract and Fardrei the goal (e.g. Rambam TT 1:13).
> BTW, note it says the metzuveh -- the person -- is greater, not the
> asiyah. Which implies the relevant difference is in the deed's impact on
> respective participants.
U' Lhoir Memamar Chazal Kol Shegodol Meichaveroy Yitzroy Gidoyloh Mimenu.
Kol Tuv
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Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 16:09:07 -0500
From: richard_wolpoe@ibi.com
Subject: Re: Minhagim and shuls
I know of at least one shul which has a definite minhog, and theat
minhog mathces no one individual (including and espeically the Rov's)
Now one MIGHT say that it's a compromise minhog, in this case it does
not appear to be the case. Some one early on setup the minhog and
left town, and the shul has a most interesting minhag/nusach, but I
cannot tie it to any source.
I was curious with regard to this case, where the minhog wast osay
yotzros, and then they stop saying them. What would be a leigtimate
reason to cease? I will BEH consult that Igros Moshes you
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Once a shul has a nusach (davens Nusach Ashkenaz, for instance), it should be
difficult to
change it -- there have been many shuls I have been in where the rav differs
a different tefillah than the congregation.
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Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 18:11:28 EST
From: Yzkd@aol.com
Subject: Re: Orthodoxy and feminism - Aveiro Lishmo
In a message dated 10/28/98 5:47:48 PM EST, richard_wolpoe@ibi.com writes:
> Would the 250 makrivei Ketores be categorized as doing an "aviro
> lishmo"??
While there the Torah calls them Hachatoi'm Bnafshosom (even the Nefesh), See
the Ohr Hachayim Hakodosh on Nodov V'avihu.
Kol Tuv
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Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 17:47:22 -0600 (CST)
From: "Shoshanah M. & Yosef G. Bechhofer" <sbechhof@casbah.acns.nwu.edu>
Subject: Re: Ma'akeh and Dina d'Malchusa Dina
In fact, many Poskim hold that financial liability bein Yisroel l'Yisroel
is also shaped by Dina d'Malchusa.
On Wed, 28 Oct 1998 Yzkd@aol.com wrote:
> I wouldn't use American law as any yardstick of financial liability,
> much less so for liability of not being M'kayeim the Mitzvas Maakeh.
Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer
Cong. Bais Tefila, 3555 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago, IL, 60659
ygb@aishdas.org, http://www.aishdas.org/baistefila
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Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 18:54:22 EST
From: Yzkd@aol.com
Subject: Re: Ma'akeh and Dina d'Malchusa Dina
In a message dated 10/28/98 6:47:35 PM EST, sbechhof@casbah.acns.nwu.edu
> In fact, many Poskim hold that financial liability bein Yisroel l'Yisroel
> is also shaped by Dina d'Malchusa.
That is where there is an issue of understanding i.e Tagrei Lud, or Kaad and
Chovi'is etc. but to create a form of liability is different.
Kol Tuv
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Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 19:57:36 EST
From: C1A1Brown@aol.com
Subject: YU, TV, femisim - sanctimonious self-righteousness at its best
As I wrote on old Bais Tefilla with regard to the Lubavitch issues - since N.
Lamm (or in the former case, the lof Lubavitch) isn't reading this list, aside
from venting, what is the toelet of bashing YU? Did anyone in their self-
righteousness bother to pen a letter to N. Lamm or the Commentator - not that
that would help, but it would at least be the right forum to discuss the idea
so that I don't have to exercise the delete key as much. I see things have
now moved on to better targets, i.e. feminism. I know, this serves the public
interest of informing us of the world's evils. Do I sound annoyed enough : -
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Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 19:58:36 EST
From: C1A1Brown@aol.com
Subject: Ma'akeh
I few weeks ago I came across the ptur of ma'akeh for a bet knesset and was
perturbed - if it is a sakanah, why the ptur? I later found that the Emek
Bracha brings this as a proof (among others) that ma;akeh is a gezeirat
hakatuv not directly associated with sakkanah - i.e. sakanah may be a nice
reason, but it is not the 'geder' of the mitzva, see Hi. Chol Hamoed where he
discusses it.
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Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 21:06:16 -0600 (CST)
From: "Shoshanah M. & Yosef G. Bechhofer" <sbechhof@casbah.acns.nwu.edu>
Subject: Re: YU, TV, femisim - sanctimonious self-righteousness at its best
No one bashed YU, don't get defensive.
The purpose of such discussion, in any event, is birur ha'emes l'ma'an
ha'emes. Many sugyos we learn have no nafka mina except birur ha'emes.
That is enough of a nafka mina.
On Wed, 28 Oct 1998 C1A1Brown@aol.com wrote:
> As I wrote on old Bais Tefilla with regard to the Lubavitch issues -
> since N. Lamm (or in the former case, the lof Lubavitch) isn't reading
> this list, aside from venting, what is the toelet of bashing YU? Did
> anyone in their self- righteousness bother to pen a letter to N. Lamm or
> the Commentator - not that that would help, but it would at least be the
> right forum to discuss the idea so that I don't have to exercise the
> delete key as much. I see things have now moved on to better targets,
> i.e. feminism. I know, this serves the public interest of informing us
> of the world's evils. Do I sound annoyed enough : - )?
Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer
Cong. Bais Tefila, 3555 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago, IL, 60659
ygb@aishdas.org, http://www.aishdas.org/baistefila
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Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 22:41:00 -0500
From: gershon.dubin@juno.com (Gershon Dubin)
Subject: Re: Avodah V2 #33
>In B'rachos 10a, Yeshaiah berates Chizkiah for not having children.
>(And assigns this as the cause of Chizkiah's illness.)
I wonder how Chizkiah's putting away the Sefer Refuos fits in here.
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 02:12:45 EST
From: kennethgmiller@juno.com (Kenneth G Miller)
Subject: Maakeh and Yeshiva
Rabbi Bechhofer wrote <<< the rationale to exempt a Yeshiva from a
ma'akeh is that it is a chovas gavra, and there is no gavra one can
pinpoint as required to put one up on a public roof. >>>
My understanding was that mezuza is also a chovas gavra, but somehow, the
yeshiva found plenty of people to donate and put up the mezuzos on the
beis medrash and elsewhere.
Akiva Miller
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 02:12:45 EST
From: kennethgmiller@juno.com (Kenneth G Miller)
Subject: Changing the Topic #1: Orthodoxy and Feminism
Rabbi Bechhofer quoted a speaker from the "Religious Zionism and Modern
Orthodoxy" Conference as saying:
<<< "If women preserve the boundaries on every issue but this one, and go
a little beyond it here, we will remain within the Orthodox camp. If we
go beyond the boundaries in every area, that is a different story." >>>
Rabbi Bechhofer asked on that idea, <<< Is this aveirah lishma or plain
aveirah? >>>
My reaction is very different. It seems that the person quoted places a
degree of importance on "remaining within the Orthodox camp". Personally,
I do not find that objective to be of any importance whatsoever. I don't
care whether or not I can be classified as Orthodox. It is much more
important that I should be classified as Shomer Mitzvos. THAT is a goal
to strive for!
Akiva Miller
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 08:30:42 -0500 (EST)
From: "Jonathan J. Baker" <jjbaker@panix.com>
Subject: Re: Maakeh
Joel Rich writes:
> Or perhaps the issue is one of shomer psaim hashem(a la R' Moshe's tshuva on
> smoking) and how do you define at what level society's acceptance of a
> particular danger rises to making shomer psaim inoperative?
But smoking isn't assur mideoraita by an explicit uncontested verse, so
how is it analogous? And would you consider people who work on the
roof, e.g. telephone/power company, or in Israel a hot-water-heater
person, or a roofer, as pesaim? It's hardly a foolish profession if
one takes precautions, and if there's a mitzvah to put up a maakeh,
it should be reasonable for these tradesmen to expect that there will
be a safety-net (safety-fence?) as backup for whatever precautions
they take.
Jonathan Baker
"It's not 'Mister Cheshvan'..."
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 08:33:40 -0500
From: richard_wolpoe@ibi.com
Subject: Re: Ma'akeh
Fantastic and now can we can ignore the kosuv's point ki Yipol
hanofeil memimenu and JUST focus on v'osiso maakeh legagecho?!
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
I few weeks ago I came across the ptur of ma'akeh for a bet knesset and was
perturbed - if it is a sakanah, why the ptur? I later found that the Emek
Bracha brings this as a proof (among others) that ma;akeh is a gezeirat
hakatuv not directly associated with sakkanah - i.e. sakanah may be a nice
reason, but it is not the 'geder' of the mitzva, see Hi. Chol Hamoed where he
discusses it.
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 08:40:09 -0500
From: richard_wolpoe@ibi.com
Subject: Re: Changing the Topic #1: Orthodoxy and Feminism
While I'm not a proponent of bending Halocho let me say this,
few if any of us are 100% shomer mitzvos. One person it might be
loshon horo, another might be some other flaw.
If a women's ONLY weakness/flaw were fenisits deviations, she might be
doing an aveiro but still be considered frum. one aveiro is 1 aveiro;
it's not right but I don't think it's fair to heneceforth lable them
as non_orthodox or non-shomer Mitzvos. It probably wouls be valid to
label them as chot'os...
Then again chizkiyohu - tsaddik - was chotei (albiet beeshei v'al
taaseh) by not doing piryo v'rivyoh
And Shaul failed to execute Agog.
People can be wrong without and still be loyal to Torah and Mitzvos
Rich Wolpoe
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Rabbi Bechhofer quoted a speaker from the "Religious Zionism and Modern
Orthodoxy" Conference as saying:
<<< "If women preserve the boundaries on every issue but this one, and go
a little beyond it here, we will remain within the Orthodox camp. If we
go beyond the boundaries in every area, that is a different story." >>>
Rabbi Bechhofer asked on that idea, <<< Is this aveirah lishma or plain
aveirah? >>>
My reaction is very different. It seems that the person quoted places a
degree of importance on "remaining within the Orthodox camp". Personally,
I do not find that objective to be of any importance whatsoever. I don't
care whether or not I can be classified as Orthodox. It is much more
important that I should be classified as Shomer Mitzvos. THAT is a goal
to strive for!
Akiva Miller
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 08:44:56 -0500
From: richard_wolpoe@ibi.com
Subject: Re: Orthodoxy and Feminism
Question: Who (i.e. what group) was the first to burn Jewish Books?
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Just a few issues back we were dealing with aveirah lishma and noted
that the Rogachover himself was doing things different then halacha. We
still call him, and he was a tzadik. The Ramchal was run out of town and
his books were banned for centuries; they are now considered main
stream. There are many more examples.
It seems that we try to fit things into
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 09:22:31 EST
From: EDTeitz@aol.com
Subject: Re: Shomer psa'im
Or perhaps the issue is one of shomer psaim hashem(a la R' Moshe's tshuva on
smoking) and how do you define at what level society's acceptance of a
particular danger rises to making shomer psaim inoperative?
R. Moshe's tshuva might have been applicable before the dangers of smoking
were well known. I feel that to rely on it now is to ask for shomer posh'im,
than psa'im, and I don't know that HaShem is so generous with those who show
disregard to known dangers.
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 09:31:54 -0500
From: richard_wolpoe@ibi.com
Subject: Re[2]: Shomer psa'im
Question: A mother is concernd about tghe long term effects of giving
her child a new medication, i.e. about a 5 year track record.
the doctor is in favor, but also respects the Mother's concerns.
Is the mother - in absence of any negtaive data - allowedto rely on
shomer ps'aim and let the child tkae the meidcation adn hope for the
Richard Wolpoe
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 09:44:07 -0500
From: "Pechman, Abraham" <APechman@mwellp.com>
Subject: RE: Changing the Topic #1: Orthodoxy and Feminism
The concern isn't that women (as individuals) might deviate. The problem is
a movement, with leaders and conferences and publications, etc. which may be
pushing for deviations. If so, the difference between that and you or I
speaking loshon hora (or any of the mitzvos ashaer dash b'akeivo) is that
the movement is institutionalizing, and thereby legitimizing, those
No one gleaned from Chizkiya that pru urvu is no longer mandatory. No one
learned from Shaul that the mitzva of mechiyas amalek was cancelled.
Avi Pechman
> -----Original Message-----
> From: richard_wolpoe@ibi.com [mailto:richard_wolpoe@ibi.com]
> Sent: Thursday, October 29, 1998 8:40 AM
> To: avodah@aishdas.org
> Subject: Re: Changing the Topic #1: Orthodoxy and Feminism
> While I'm not a proponent of bending Halocho let me say this,
> few if any of us are 100% shomer mitzvos. One person it
> might be
> loshon horo, another might be some other flaw.
> If a women's ONLY weakness/flaw were fenisits
> deviations, she might be
> doing an aveiro but still be considered frum. one
> aveiro is 1 aveiro;
> it's not right but I don't think it's fair to
> heneceforth lable them
> as non_orthodox or non-shomer Mitzvos. It probably
> wouls be valid to
> label them as chot'os...
> Then again chizkiyohu - tsaddik - was chotei (albiet
> beeshei v'al
> taaseh) by not doing piryo v'rivyoh
> And Shaul failed to execute Agog.
> People can be wrong without and still be loyal to Torah
> and Mitzvos
> Regard,
> Rich Wolpoe
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 09:44:41 EST
From: EDTeitz@aol.com
Subject: Re: Aku"m
Richard Wolpoe asked:
When is Akum as used by TB, SA, etc literally mean an Oveid kochovim
and when does it mean any eino-yehuid in general?
One would have to go back to written manuscripts to see the autthentic version
of the sources. Unfortunately, the religious censors of Europe changed many
of these very terms to remove uncomfortable halachic conclusions.
Eliyahu Teitz
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 08:50:41 -0600 (CST)
From: "Shoshanah M. & Yosef G. Bechhofer" <sbechhof@casbah.acns.nwu.edu>
Subject: Re: Maakeh and Yeshiva
Not all yeshivos have mezuzos!
And, remember the bottom line! :-)
On Thu, 29 Oct 1998, Kenneth G Miller wrote:
> My understanding was that mezuza is also a chovas gavra, but somehow, the
> yeshiva found plenty of people to donate and put up the mezuzos on the
> beis medrash and elsewhere.
Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer
Cong. Bais Tefila, 3555 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago, IL, 60659
ygb@aishdas.org, http://www.aishdas.org/baistefila
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 09:08:41 -0600 (CST)
From: "Shoshanah M. & Yosef G. Bechhofer" <sbechhof@casbah.acns.nwu.edu>
Subject: R' Chaim and Pesachim 68b
The Brisker Rav al haTorah in Vayeira cites a converstation R' Chaim once
had with Chosid. The Chosid asked him: "Why do you misnagdim ask some many
questions and make many pilpulim - the Torah says do this, do this?!"
R' Chaim's response to the Chosid is not recorded, but he went on to say
that, to a certain extent, the Chosid was right. Since we have a principle
that "2 kesuvim ha'machishim zeh es seh - ad she'yavo ha'kasuv ha-3
ve'yachri'a beineihem" - we are *not* allowed to ask a question based on
two pesukim until we have a third kasuv to triangulate and be machri'a -
which is why Avrohom waited until after the Malach told him to stop the
Akeida before asking for a reconciliation between "ki b'Yizchok yikare'a
lecha zara" and "Ha'aleyhu l'Olah."
So, what does R' Chaim do with the 2 kesuvim ha'machishim in Pesachim 68b
- "L'Hashem" and "Lachem?" Seems the Tana'im R' Eliezer and R' Yehoshua
feltt you have to do something!
Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer
Cong. Bais Tefila, 3555 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago, IL, 60659
ygb@aishdas.org, http://www.aishdas.org/baistefila
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 09:48:00 -0600
From: "Steve. Katz" <katzco@sprintmail.com>
Subject: Re: YU, TV, femisim - sanctimonious self-righteousness at its best
Shoshanah M. & Yosef G. Bechhofer wrote:
> No one bashed YU, don't get defensive.
> Oh, You don't say!
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 09:59:22 -0600
From: "Steve. Katz" <katzco@sprintmail.com>
Subject: What is the practice in your shul?
It seems to me that a shul, even if none of its members are careful in
this regard, should observe certain chumras so that all orchim who
might visit feel comfortable and be able to eat without question.
In other words is it the practice in you shul to only serve chalav
yisrael? glatt meat? or yoshon? (or maybe only certain shchitas?)
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 12:40:35 -0500 (EST)
From: rturkel@cas.org (Rick Turkel, Ext. 2214, Room 3104A bs"d)
Subject: Orthodoxy and Feminism
Yasher koach to Saul Guberman for writing:
>Nothing was sighted (sic) to let us know details as to whether something
>was even an aveirah let alone lishma. What happened to Dan l'chaf zechut?
. . .
>My point is, that on the feminism issue people do not empathize with the
>women's' point of view. It is much easier to say that things are not
>and have not been done this way and therefore it is no good. This issue
>needs to be looked at from the perspective of there are many women who
>could relate to torah Judaism through this prism. What can be done here
>and what are the boundaries!
My guess, based on what I've been reading here, is that not one of
the other correspondents on this issue has ever been, or spoken to anyone
who has ever been, near a women's tefila group.
First of all, those involved are very careful _not_ to refer to
them as "minyanim," since the women themselves (as well as the halakhic
authorities who permit them) do not consider them as such. What they do,
in the event that those of you who are so strongly against the idea don't
mind being confused with the facts, is omit those parts of the tefila
which require a minyan - barekhu, kaddish, kedusha, birkot haTorah, etc.
Yes, women daven and leyn, but only for themselves (i.e., not for men),
so there's no problem of an eyna metzuva attempting to be motzi' a
There _are_ respected halakhic authorities who permit and advise
such groups as to what they are permitted to do and what is forbidden to
them _within the halakha_ - R. Avi Weiss of Riverdale is the first one
who comes to mind. The rabbi of my shul in Columbus, Ohio has also
sanctioned a women's tefila group, which meets monthly and regularly
draws a couple of dozen women from all of the Orthodox shuls in town.
A number of girls have had their bat mitzvas in this tefila group. In
addition, there exists an entire network of such groups all over the US
and Canada.
Wake up and smell the coffee!
Rick Turkel (___ _____ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ ___
rturkel@freenet.columbus)oh.us| | \ ) |/ \ eyn |navi| be|iro\__) |
rturkel@cas.org / | _| __)/ | ___) | ___|_ | _( \ |
Rich or poor, it's good to have money. Ko rano rani | u jamu pada.
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 13:06:56 -0500 (EST)
From: micha@aishdas.org (Micha Berger)
Subject: Women's Prayer Groups
I have a couple of hashkafic problems with such prayer groups.
First, as Rick Turkel writes, they are not, and could never be, minyanim. This
means that the message we are giving these women is: Yes, you are right to
believe that the only way to get spiritual fulfillment is in the mode of
worship traditionally reserved for men. But, you can never really fill that
role -- you can at best have an "almost minyan".
We are setting them up for failure. As soon as the newness of the "almost
minyan" wears off, so will the feeling of spiritual fulfillment.
Second, it would be validating the non-O belief that Judaism revolves around
the synagogue. Jon Baker (or was it his wife?) once pointed out to me that the
three mitzvos that sociologically define Orthodoxy, Shabbos, kashrus, and
taharas hamishpachah are all "women's mitzvos". So of course, non-Orthodox
"Judaisms" can't provide sufficient spiritual context for women.
As R' YB Soloveitchik writes in one of the earlier footnotes to Ish HaHalachah
(sorry, I lost my copy), it is the nature of modern religion to define itself
as a respite from reality. So, churches are built with an otherworldliness, to
provide a spiritual retreat. This is the path Conservative and Reform are
following (in practice, if not in their position papers).
Yiddishkeit, though, (still paraphrasing the footnote) is about the
unification of the spiritual with day-to-day life. If we really felt this,
then the question of who had what role in the synagogue would be a very
unimportant question. If anything us men should be vying for more cooking, so
that we too can increase our role in preparing for Shabbos, and day-to-day
observance of kashrus (at least basar bichalav). <half-grin>
Micha Berger (973) 916-0287 Help free Yehuda Katz, held by Syria 5963 days!
micha@aishdas.org (11-Jun-82 - 29-Oct-98)
For a mitzvah is a lamp, and the Torah its light.
http://www.aishdas.org -- Orthodox Judaism: Torah, Avodah, Chessed
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 12:34:35 -0600 (CST)
From: "Shoshanah M. & Yosef G. Bechhofer" <sbechhof@casbah.acns.nwu.edu>
Subject: Sorry to do this to you all, but: Women as Ponim Chadashos
I know I am beating a ...
But, just found: Yabi'a Omer 6:EH4 d.h. (B)Ve'anochi paskens like the
Shitta Mikubetzes that women can not serve as PC.
Now I will duck and run... :-)
Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer
Cong. Bais Tefila, 3555 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago, IL, 60659
ygb@aishdas.org, http://www.aishdas.org/baistefila
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 14:08:10 EST
From: Joelirich@aol.com
Subject: Re: Women's Prayer Groups
In a message dated 98-10-29 13:07:50 EST, you write:
<< From: micha@aishdas.org (Micha Berger)
Sender: owner-avodah@aishdas.org
Reply-to: avodah@aishdas.org
To: avodah@aishdas.org
I have a couple of hashkafic problems with such prayer groups.
I still think that the prayer group issue is the symptom, not the cause. As a
consultant, clients often say I want you to fix xyz. I always take a deep
breath and then try to find out what is really the problem and usually xyz
isn't it. Hameneen yaveen.
Kol Tuv
Joel Rich
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 19:48:05 EST
From: Yzkd@aol.com
Subject: Re: Ma'akeh
In a message dated 10/28/98 8:00:35 PM EST, C1A1Brown@aol.com writes:
> I few weeks ago I came across the ptur of ma'akeh for a bet knesset and was
> perturbed - if it is a sakanah, why the ptur?
While others learn that the Miut of "Gagecho" and not of a BK or BM amounts to
a Gzeiras Hakosuv, the Mechabeir (CM 427) holds it is based on the reason that
it is not used, see SM"A and S"O Horav.
Kol Tuv
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