Category: Machashavah


Rav Shelomo Wolbe, Olam haYedidus (part 6, conclusion) – Relationship ep. 19

Wednesday night (August 10th, 2022) we completed our study of both versions of Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe’s essay Olam haYedidus. … [It] concludes with a discussion of zarus (estrangement) and akhzarius (cruelty,which Rav Dessler explains as a contraction of akh-zariyus – an extreme estangement). Our alienation from other people, from G-d and even our “need” to stay busy and never have to build a relationship with ourselves. Something to think about when singing “Mah yedidus menukhaseikh — How much affection inheres in your rest!” at the Shabbos table!


Shemos: From Vigilante to Lawgiver

A post on Facebook by Jeremy Phillips raised the question of why Hashem chose a vigilante to be His lawgiver. He got me thinking. Hashem even lauds Moshe’s vigilantism in the Torah when he...


Reconsidering The Aruch HaShulchan

Any exploration of the Aruch HaShulchan must first consider this question: Is halacha a set of rules that we follow or the system by which we reach those rulings?


The Source that a Reshus haRabbim Requires 600,000 People

The following is based on an article by Rav Mordechai Yehuah Leiv Zaks in no. 27 vol. 6 (1953) of HaPardeis. (H/T Eruv Online blog.) All of our community eiruvin rely on Rashi’s opinion...

Path To Happiness 0

Simchas Purim

When a Paradox is not a Disproof 0

When a Paradox is not a Disproof

The GPS is an amazing thing. The chips in it work because of the physics of semiconductors, and the fact that the energy the electrons can absorb or emit come in fixed quantities. All...