Avodah Mailing List

Volume 23: Number 163

Sat, 04 Aug 2007

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Subjects Discussed In This Issue:
Message: 1
From: "Michael Kopinsky" <mkopinsky@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 11:22:25 -0600
Re: [Avodah] kosher watermelons

On 7/20/07, Micha Berger <micha@aishdas.org> wrote:
> On Thu, July 19, 2007 8:22 pm, R Aryeh Stein quoted kosherblog.net
> giving R' Heineman's opinion:
> : Fish, too, may be considered similarly. If, for example, a whole,
> : kosher fish has had its head and tail removed in a non-kosher fish
> : market, we may trim away the cut edges with a kosher a knife and use
> : the fish. (Since scalers can only be used on fish with scales, i.e.
> : kosher fish, there are no kashrut concerns about the scaler's use on
> : non-kosher fish.)
> Swordfish?
> Not every fish with scales has qasqeses.

IIUC, part of what differentiates qasqeses from other scales is that they
come off much more easily.  Could that mean that a scaler is actually only
used on kasqeses, and not other scales?

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Message: 2
From: "Michael Kopinsky" <mkopinsky@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 11:43:12 -0600
Re: [Avodah] standing for a chasan

On 7/29/07, Rich, Joel <JRich@sibson.com> wrote:
>  RYBS was very insistent on standing because a chassan (and kallah) are
> similar to a king (queen?)
> Eli Turkel
> ==================================
> A  talmid of R' HS pointed me to Mpninei Harav (p217) where he states the
> reason for standing given by R' YBS is the on the way to do a mitzvah
> (bikkurim) reason.  The melech only applies once he's under the chuppah (and
> that's why R' YBS waited until then to put the ashes  on the head of the
> chatan (that's when he becomes one)). but still stood when the chatan
> was walking down.

I read somewhere that Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky held that this is the reason
that we stand for Vayevarech David - as support for people that are on their
way to the puska for "v'haosher v'hakavod milfanecha v'atah moshel bakol."

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Message: 3
From: "Rich, Joel" <JRich@sibson.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 14:02:09 -0400
[Avodah] standing


And RJRich responded

<A  talmid of R' HS pointed me to Mpninei Harav (p217) where he states
the reason for standing given by R' YBS is the on the way to do a
mitzvah (bikkurim) reason.  The melech only applies once he's under the
chuppah (and that's why R' YBS waited until then to put the ashes on the
head of the chatan (that's when he becomes one)). but still stood when
the chatan was walking down.>
     When I heard this reason from RHS, I questioned why, when in shul,
we don't stand when a person comes in to put on t'fillin, since he is
going to do a mitzvah; he had no answer at the time.  
Furthermore, if we accept this as the reason for standing, it would seem
to apply to the chasan only, since the mitzvah is his alone.


I think artscroll brings this down as the reason for standing by
Vayivarech david - the gabbai walked around for tzedaka!
? What happened prior to the Ari?
? Was the gabbai davening at the same time?

Joel Rich
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Message: 4
From: "Eli Turkel" <eliturkel@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 20:33:20 +0200
[Avodah] shemitta

<<How about getting together with other religious neighbours with the same
problem, inviting the Ra'anana Yeshiva or Ulpana Amana (or both, at
different times) to come pick the fruit, following shi'urim at the
Yeshiva/Ulpana  on the topic, and then have the parents prepare/cook/bake
the fruit and serve it at a neighborhood dinner to be held at the

The question is that if the fruits are hefker do I get to choose whom to
to pick the fruits or alternatively where to leave the fruits that I pick

Eli Turkel
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Message: 5
From: "Marty Bluke" <marty.bluke@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 21:38:24 +0300
Re: [Avodah] What was actually written on the luchos, zachor

R' Michael Koplinsky wrote:
<Rashi Sanhedrin 56b d"h Ka'asher tziv'cha (quoted by Sifsei Chachamim
in Va'eschanan): "V'chol mah shekasuv badibros ha'acharonos haya kasuv
baluchos v'chein shama b'sinai."

<It seems that Rashi holds that it is a miracle, just like the other things.

Interestingly enough R' Yaakov quotes that Rashi and brings it as a
proof that the 2 sets of luchos were exactly the same, meaning that
the 2 luchos were identical. He maintains however, that only 1 set of
text was written on the luchos.

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Message: 6
From: "Rich, Joel" <JRich@sibson.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 14:40:03 -0400
Re: [Avodah] Charedim and the army


	 DB- 1) If it is true that of a given population only 2% or 5%
of it can reasonably expect to be granted that lofty status, it seems
ludicrous that an entire Shevet Levi (let us say, 8500 from the ages of
30-50 as per Parshas Naso) is granted exemption because 170-425 members
will actually qualify. RAL recognizes that this is a weak point and
states that their exemption is 'genealogical'. This fails to solve the
problem, though. Why is there a geneaological blanket exemption for an
entire Shevet when the reason for the exemption applies so scarcely?  
	Me-Interesting that this type of supposition/argument in other
cases is dismissed by a simple, they were at that level, we're not.  In
any event the shevet based exemption could be simply understood as a
practical and role model approach ( do we really need as many kohanim as
the descendants of Aaron?)
	 DB- 2) A yet stronger counter-argument to the genealogocial
argument is that according to the commentary of the Netziv to Parshas
VaYechi, the entire Shevet Yissachar availed themselves of this status
to exempt themselves from fighting  in the time of the Shoftim. Based on
what? Did every single one of them look himself in the mirror and say
that they are Kodesh Kodoshim?  
	Me- what does the netziv understand as to their activities in
non-wartime? Were they all absentee landlords? Does anyone else take
this approach?
	 DB- 3) One who decided to truly dedicate the best years of his
life to Torah study and Mussar refinement, trying to grow in his Yiras
Shamayim with no concern for the Cheshbonos of Bnei Adam during that
time, is described by Hashem, through the words of the Rambam, as Kodesh
Kodoshim. The numbers of Yeshiva boys who are learning seriously should
not blind us to their inestimable value and stature in the eyes of the
Ribbono Shel Olam.  
	Me-" with no concern for the Cheshbonos of Bnei Adam " When I
originally learned this Rambam I was taught this meant that they did not
do so because they got stipends or were even aware of them.
	 DB- 4) It doesn't take any hubris whatsoever to follow the
opinion of the vast majority, if not all, of Gedolei Torah in the
Charedi, as well as many of the Gedolim of the  RZ world (i.e. the
Roshei Yeshiva of Mercaz Harav, Beit El, and other Yeshivot Gevohot) who
support not going  to the army for many years after HS and whose
students serve in afar reduced capacity than their capabilities
vis-a-vis combat. RAL is certainly a minority opinion among Gedolei
HaRoshei Yeshivos. 
	Me-imho this is apples and oranges - would you group someone who
never married with someone who deferred pirya vrivya due to learning or
other extenuating circumstances?
	Joel Rich 


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Message: 7
From: "Eli Turkel" <eliturkel@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 20:45:02 +0200
[Avodah] choson domesh le-melech

What is the origin of the concept that a choson is like a king?
In the old days that kiddushin and nisuim were separate which state
was like being a king?

Also it is not completely clear when it begins. REMT assumes that it starts
under the chupah. For Tachanun the general minhag that I know is not to say
tachanun at the mincha right before a wedding before the shekia. Some shuls
not say tachanun in the morning before an afternoon wedding.

kol tuv

Eli Turkel
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Message: 8
From: "Daniel Israel" <dmi1@hushmail.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 12:48:26 -0600
Re: [Avodah] End of sefer notes

On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 08:34:10 -0600 "kennethgmiller@juno.com" 
<kennethgmiller@juno.com> wrote:
>I mention that as a segue to a related point: Who did the chapter 
>divisions for Esther? Those do *not* align with the parshios (at 
>least, not as far as I can tell), yet when it is read on Purim, 
>chapter break *is* marked with a pause. Why would we do that if 
>the breaks are non-Jewish?

Now that I think about it, almost everywhere I've ever spent Purim 
there were enough people who might have trouble following that the 
chapter numbers were announced.  And that holds for all of the 
megillos in my experience.  Could that be it?

Daniel M. Israel

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Message: 9
From: T613K@aol.com
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 15:22:36 EDT
Re: [Avodah] Charedim and the army

RJB writes: 
>>Military service in Tzahal (IDF) would seem to be a  mitzva as per
the gemara in Sotah 44b. .... (see: Radbaz Hilchot  Melachim 7:4).
See also the Minchat Chinuch (Mitzva 425) who goes into detail  on the
laws of war.... Even a talmid chacham is obligated to serve (see:  Chidushei 
Chatam Sofer on
the gemara in Bava Batra 7b ....<<
 ....see Bava Batra Perek Aleph Siman 475]; SHU'T haRadbaz Chelek Bet  Siman 

Look at Shmuel haNagid (Abu Ibrahim Shmuel ben Yosef halevi  Ibn Nagrela,
993-1056 C.E.), one of the leaders of Spanish Jewry.....  a  great
talmudic scholar and commander in chief
of the army of Granada  <<

Your reasoning is impeccable and your sources unimpeachable.  I wonder  if 
Rav Elyashiv knows about this.

--Toby  Katz

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Message: 10
From: T613K@aol.com
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 15:27:20 EDT
Re: [Avodah] Kriah on seeing the makom hamikdash nowadays

From: "Marty Bluke" <marty.bluke@gmail.com>
>>What is the  din if you see the makom hamikdash live on a video camera,
for example Aish  Hatorah's Kotel Cam. You are seeing the makom
hamikdash just as if you were  there. Is there a chiyuv kriah? Would it
exempt you from tearing kriah if you  saw it and then visited less then
30 days  later?<<

You are not seeing the makom hamikdash, you are seeing pixels on your  
computer screen.

--Toby  Katz

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Message: 11
From: T613K@aol.com
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 15:38:03 EDT
Re: [Avodah] What was actually written on the luchos, zachor

From: "Marty Bluke" <marty.bluke@gmail.com>
>>We know that  they were both said at the same time, but what was
actually written on the  luchos themselves.<<
My husband wants to know how the luchos looked, since the first five  dibros 
have so many more words than the last five.  He thinks they would  have looked 
funny side by side, with the second luach having mostly empty space,  
compared to the first luach, which would be dense with writing.  He wants  to know if 
anything was done to make them more symmetrical, like writing the  first five 
in a much smaller font?  Does anyone  know?

--Toby  Katz

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